The Constitutional and Moral Crisis in America
America is in the midst of the worst constitutional and spiritual cataclysm in it's History. It is masked as deliberate prestidigitation, political theatrics, and the illusion of b ipartisan infighting. Meanwhile the panda, bear, the dragon and the lion have procured the disemboweling of lady liberty for the world to see with assistance for fortune from leaders within!!!! (Capitalist/Liberals) #WakeUpAmerica Lady Liberty sits on many waters as the gatekeeper of individual liberty blindly balancing the scales of justice. She guarantees to all man that reach her shores rights bestowed upon man by ALMIGHTY GOD the author and finisher of faith and freedom! GOD was so merciful that HE created American as a blueprint for the world; however her existence pertains to the whims and protections of her people. My ancestors understood that. They passed on to my generation a nation intact but on shakey ground. My generation was beguiled and persuaded by the very people that h...