
Showing posts from August, 2023

That something for nothing identity politics is killing us!

I get it; you may see the homeless and think somebody has to do something; but if you know how the government works you would understand that the government is not a charity.  It is the non-profits mainly the churches responsibility; t his means  the church, as God's representative here on earth, has the responsibility to serve the poor and genuinely loving them.  (Prov 19:17) The government did its job it established the non profit with abolished taxes.  Pastors are riding around in fine cars, kids go to the best schools, they live in lavish homes while the people suffer. Put the blame where it lies. #educateyourselvesblackpeople You live in a government and don't know how it works. You listen to the news (Military Industrial Complex) and parrot with vigor, strong emotions, and force. You are strong in your wrong! So much so the party that benefited off of slavery and the companies that was built on slave labor you have voted in their party for over 50