Malcolm X: "Don't BEG for a Job - CREATE a Job"

Malcolm X was and will always be one of my heroes. I honor people willing to speak truth to power and have the courage of their convictions, but there is more to my admiration of this man. His economic views were and still are spot on with what the black community needs to do.
In this video, X quickly breaks down what we need to do with our $20 billion dollars in annual spending power. That was in the 1960s when he was giving this speech. Today this number is over $1.2 billion dollars of spending annually. He even gives examples of others who have done it themselves without an education and no money.
It’s a shame we don’t commit to doing the things he suggested in this video 50 odd years ago.
We have the same leaders he spoke of then not using their influence to move the people into economic empowerment. It’s a shame we have all these intelligent people and still haven’t figured it out.


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