NAMBLA in association with LGBTQ it's connection to the Civil rights movement and their political agenda; and the Political players...

What is NAMBLA  and what does it stand for? (North American Man Boy Love Association) 

NAMBLA is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve what it considers coercion. The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters. Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls. NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization. Since then, the organization has dwindled to only a handful of people, with many members joining online pedophile networks, according to Xavier Von Erck, director of operations at the anti-pedophile organization Perverted-Justice. As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.

Founder: David Thorstad is an American political activist engaged with pro-pederast and pro-pedophile activism within the North American Man/Boy Love Association, of which he was a founding member. He was also a former president of New York's Gay Activists Alliance. Thorstad describes himself as a bisexual pederast and atheist who has "never been charged with violating any sex laws"
Born:June 6, 1941, United States
Known for:Pro-pedophile activism with NAMBLA/LGBTQ
Movement:pro-pederasty and pro-pedophile activism, age of consent reform


Here are some known NAMBLA members, their addresses, and phone numbers from an official 1997 NAMBLA membership list.  Please note that this does not mean that these individuals have sexually assaulted children...only that in 1997 they were registered as a member of NAMBLA.

  1. Allen GinsbergJune 3, 1926 – April 5, 1997) was an American poet and writer. As a student at Columbia University in the 1940s, he began friendships with William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac, forming the core of the Beat Generation. He vigorously opposed militarism, economic materialism, and sexual repression, and he embodied various aspects of this counterculture with his views on drugs, hostility to bureaucracy, and openness to Eastern religions.                                                                                                                  Ginsberg is best known for his poem "Howl" in which he denounced what he saw as the destructive forces of capitalism and conformity in the United States. San Francisco police and US Customs seized "Howl" in 1956, and it attracted widespread publicity in 1957 when it became the subject of an obscenity trial, as it described heterosexual and homosexual sex at a time when sodomy laws made homosexual acts a crime in every state. The poem reflected Ginsberg's own sexuality and his relationships with a number of men, including Peter Orlovsky, his lifelong partner. Judge Clayton W. Horn ruled that "Howl" was not obscene: "Would there be any freedom of press or speech if one must reduce his vocabulary to vapid innocuous euphemisms?"                                                                                                                                                                                   Ginsberg was a Buddhist who studied Eastern religious disciplines extensively. He lived modestly, buying his clothing in second-hand stores and residing in apartments in New York's East Village. One of his most influential teachers was Tibetan Buddhist Chögyam Trungpa, the founder of the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. At Trungpa's urging, Ginsberg and poet Anne Waldman started The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics there in 1974.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ginsberg took part in decades of political protest against everything from the Vietnam War to the War on Drugs. His poem "September on Jessore Road" called attention to the plight of Bangladeshi refugees and exemplifies what literary critic Helen Vendler described as Ginsberg's persistence in protesting against "imperial politics" and "persecution of the powerless". His collection The Fall of America shared the annual National Book Award for Poetry in 1974. In 1979, he received the National Arts Club gold medal and was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1995 for his book Cosmopolitan Greetings: Poems 1986–1992.
  2. Bill Andrietteis an American journalist and pro-pedophile activist. Andriette was the Art Director for the LGBT periodical Baltimore Outloud, and was previously the Features Editor of The Guide, a gay travel and entertainment magazine published in Boston. As of 1996, he was the spokesman of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

    In an interview in The Boston Phoenix in 1996, Andriette said, "I realized I was gay when I was 12." He joined NAMBLA when he was 15 years old, and by the age of 17 he was a member of the Steering Committee. For six years he was the editor of the NAMBLA Bulletin. He expressed differences with some earlier NAMBLA directors' views regarding legalization of what is now considered to be statutory rape, finding room for compromise with government and societal concerns. He expressed frustration that the LGBT rights movement had ostracized NAMBLA, because he regarded the moral condemnation of pedophiles as a "reactionary ideology which the gay movement has happily adopted to burnish its own particular identity category."

    During the 1993 International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) controversy, he defended NAMBLA's membership in ILGA, and to a greater extent NAMBLA's place in the gay rights movement, by claiming that "'the main tradition' of homosexuality" is consistent with supporting the abolition of laws prohibiting statutory rape.

    He appeared in the 1994 documentary about NAMBLA, Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys, in which described how his work with NAMBLA provided an outlet for his sexual attraction to prepubescent young boys below the age of consent.

    In 2008, he was a runner up for a Sex Positive Journalism Award (Sexies) for an article which appeared in The Guide: "Tipping Point for Gay Sex?

  3.   Alexander, Daniel J.; P.O. Box 5441, Santa Fe, NM 87502-5441

    : Andriette, William H. (Bill) (DOB: 11/10/65); Home - 325 Huntington
    : Avenue, Apt. 96,Boston, MA 02115 {OR} 25 Peterborough Street, Apt. 22,
    : Boston, MA 02215 - Work -Features Editor for The Guide, P.O. Box
    : 990593,
    : 8 Concord Square, Boston, MA 02199 - Tel: 617/266-8557 - FAX:
    : 617/266-1125  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: 617/859-9775 {NOTE:
    : Andriette is the former Editor of the "NAMBLA Bulletin" and can
    : best be described as an activist/apologist for NAMBLA and NAMBLA
    : members.} +His Photo is in the Chicken Hawks Photo Gallery+

    : Barry, Brian; 86 Edgmond Court, Ryhope, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR2
    : 0DY,
    : England

    : Basker, Robert S.; 48 Sycamore St., Apt. 1, San Francisco, CA 94110 -
    : Tel: 415/552-1211

    : Bieder, Walter R.; P.O. Box 430147, San Diego, CA 921430147 {NOTE:
    : The
    : San Francisco Police Department has information that this man lives in
    : Ensenada, Mexico, and when NAMBLA members travel there he arranges for
    : young boys to be available for them for sex...i.e., sex tourism!}
    : >>NOW

    : Bejin, Dennis; 1811 17th Ave., Apt. 3, Seattle, WA 98122 - e-mail:
    : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: (work) 206/287-2908 & 206/448-2880  (home
    : unknown){NOTE:  Dennis Bejinorganized NAMBLA's  1995 Seattle
    : Conference : and allegedly prefers boys as young astwo.   Also, his Internet : nickname : is "Diaper Boy" and he frequently defends his sexual desires in : Internet : chat rooms, including on the pederast chat room BoyChat.}

    : Bishop, Jason; P.O. Box 2966, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA 93921 - Tel:
    : 408/624-4801

    : Bjorkman, William Paul; 4359 Bloomfield Drive, San Jose, CA 95124 -
    : Tel:
    : 408/???-???? {NOTE:  Arrested March 10, 1998, by San Jose Police for
    : the
    : sexual assault of two boys.}

    : Blackburn, Rick; P.O. Box 13712, Los Angeles, CA 90013

    : Blair, David F.; P.O. Box 280782, East Hartford, CT 06128-0782

    : Bloomquist, Tim; 116 27th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11214 - e-mail:
    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - Tel: (home) 718/372-0201  (work) 212/221-
    : 9200
    : {NOTE:  Though still a member, Bloomquist is NAMBLA's former National
    : Membership Secretary, the "keeper" of most ofNAMBLA's secrets.  Word
    : is
    : he has an underage boy living with him as of April of1998.}

    : Brown, Gale; 7357 State Highway 410, Naches, WA 98937 - Tel:
    : 509/658-2300

    : Brown, Jeffrey G; email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Cincinnati, Oh , openly
    : advertises for boys on discussion groups.

    : Brown, Keith L.; PSC 1003, Box 51, FPO AE 09728-0351 {IN THE
    : MILITARY!}

    : Brown, Tecumseh; 65 Ottawa Ave., Warwick, RI 02886 - Tel:
    : 401/732-732-2719   {NOTE: In a phone call on March 24, 1998, Tecumseh
    : nervously admitted to Mike Echols that he has been a member of NAMBLA
    : for several years and writes articles for the "Bulletin".}

    : Bryant, Jim; P.O. Box 1844, Truth or Consequences, NM 87901 - Tel:
    : 505/894-0760

    : Casida, Ross; 29419 - 232nd Avenue SE, Kent, WA 98042 - Tel:
    : 206/432-0206

    : Collins, Richard A.; P.O. Box 1128, Vista, CA 92085-1128

    : Colson, Ronald; 14346 Warwick Blvd., Ste 368148, Newport News, VA
    : 23602-3801

    : Conaway, Floyd L. (DOB: 3/7/35); 477 Joaquin Avenue, Apt. 2, San
    : Leandro, CA 94577 - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: 510/483-7088

    : Corazza, Rennato; 220 East 10th St. - 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003 -
    : Tel: 212/677-4159  +His Photo is in the Chicken Hawks Photo Gallery+

    : Coughlan (alias for Cohen), Desmond
    : If you would like to get Desi fired,again, then call/write:
    :      A.Hesbert
    :      Forum des  Images
    :      Forum des Halles
    :      2 Grande Galerie
    :      Porte sainte-Eustache
    :      75001 Paris

    :      tel:01-44-76-62-00
    :      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    : Covino, Dale; 201 South Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801

    : Crutchley, Michael J.; 12164 Sanibel Court, Reston, VA 20191-1210

    : Decker, Will F.; 311 South Webster, Norman, OK 73069 - Tel: 405/447-
    : 6847

    : Dembner, Craig; 1500 NE 26th Ave., Apt. #3, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

    : Derby, Mark; 636 SE 27th, Portland, OR 97214 - Tel: 503/238-1471
    : {NOTE:  A NAMBLA informant said he frequently babysite and prefers
    : boys
    : ages six to eight.}

    : Dimrock, Donald E.; 543 E. Clay St., Apt. 14, Monmouth, OR 97361 -
    : Tel:
    : 503/838-4497

    : Dodson, Charles Lee (Chuck) (DOB 9/8/72); Home: 12 Redfield Street,
    : Apt.
    : 2,Dorchester, MA 02122 - Work:  Illustrations for The Guide, P.O. Box
    : 990593, 8 ConcordSquare, Boston, MA 02199 - Tel: 617/266-8557 - FAX:
    : 617/266-1125...travels around the U.S. and Canada in his car; e-mail:
    : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - {Note:  Chuck drives an early 70'sdirty white
    : Chevrolet
    : covered with bumper stickers with radical, left-wing statements.He is : a : nudist, uses that to acces boys for sex, his cartoon-style drawings
    : of naked boys appear in NAMBLA publications, founder of the Orgasim: Liberation Front.} +His Photo is in the Chicken Hawks Photo Gallery+

    : Donnelly, Jim; 3256 16th St., Apt. 1, San Francisco, CA 94103 - Tel:
    : 415/255-4999

    : Doyle, Chris; 308 Westwood Plaza, #488, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1647

    : Edeiken, Yale; e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: 610-435-9280, 1590 Alta
    : Dr, Allentown, PA   (Enjoys late night profanity)

    : Edwards, Donald; 2217 Yorkshire Ave., #C, Santa Monica, CA 90404

    : Farrell, Chris; New York, NY - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel:
    : 212/982-5726  {Note:  A convicted child sex predator who finished his
    : parole/probation in 1997.  Operates NAMBLA's bookstore which sells
    : mail
    : order jack-off novels, magazines,etc., to pedophiles and pederasts.}

    : Gifford, John; P.O. Box 2033, Rawlins, WY 82301

    : Gonzalez, Eduardo C.; Burdeos #138, Valle Dorado, Tlalnepantia Estado
    : de
    : Mexico 54020, Mexico

    : Granger, Tim; 177 Wordsworth, Ferndale, MI 48220

    : Hoflich, Michael; P.O. Box 65241, Fayetteville, NC 28306

    : Hooper, Jack M.; 2215 Ashland, Apt. 2, Houston, TX 77008 - Tel:
    : 713/862-5782

    : Humphrey, Patrick; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 7500 Bellerive #1807, Houston, TX
    : 77036, Work Tel: 713-348-4989  Photo:
    : (Convicted in Texas and Kentucky, uses nickname of aero on internet
    : chat
    : rooms to lure boys to Houston)

    : Irving, A.; P.O. Box 477, Devonport, Tasmania 7310, Australia

    : Jackson, Bill; 2261 Market Street, #459, San Francisco, CA 94114

    : Johnson, A.; 1660 South Sedalia Street, Aurora, CO 80017

    : Kaiser, Franklin; P.O. Box 163, West Covina, CA 91793-0163

    : Kleinschmidt, Michael; 4208 Wichita Ave., Upstairs, Cleveland, OH
    : 44109
    : - Tel: 216/749-3571

    : Kroeger, Thomas; Ober, Hamscheberg 2 32049, Herford West, Germany

    : Laderberger, David; P.O. Box 700511, Plymouth, MI 48170

    : Laybe, Larry E.; 14 Gunrock Ave., Hull, MA 20451

    : Lenertz, Louis John; 3848 Maybelle Ave., Okaland, CA 94619

    : Lewis, Brian; 330 Transylvania Avenue, Raleigh, NC

    : McNamara, Tony; 3220 Lake Trasimeno Drive, San Jose, CA 95135 - Tel:
    : 408/978-2339

    : McVay, Ken ; PO Box 224 Stn A, Nanaiamo,BC,CA v9r 5k9 DOB: 10-2-40
    : email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mastermind of the Canadian branch of NAMBLA,
    : convicted of child molesting and car theft in California and Oregon)

    : Melo, James; 19 Seminole Dr., Nashua, NH 03063 - Tel: 603/889-2794

    : Melzer, Peter; c/o A. Wolford, 10 W. Mosholu Parkway So., Bronx, NY
    : 10468 - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: 718/733-3935 {NOTE:  Former
    : physics teacher at famed Bronx High School for Science in New York
    : City
    : (was remeoved from the class room due to his sexual interests),
    : NAMBLA's
    : former Treasurer.}+His Photo is in the Chicken Hawks Photo Gallery+

    : Miller, David; 1369 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117 - e-mail:
    : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: 415/241-9067+His Photo is in the Chicken Hawks
    : Photo Gallery+

    : Miller, Michael J.; P.O. Box 433, Issaquah, WA 980287

    : Muir, John C.; 4342 South Sawyer Ave., Chicago, IL 60632 - Tel:
    : 312/523-5085

    : Murphy, Dennis; P.S. Box 4746, Poughkeepsie, NY 12602

    : Murr, Brian; 430 McMurchy Avenue South, #1414, Brampton, Ontario L6Y
    : 2N4
    : Canada

    : Nichols, Bruce (aka: Bruce McKay - (DOB 4/2/52); 2185 Hayes St., #12,
    : San Francisco, CA 94117 - Tel: 415/831-7770 {Note: May be wanted on
    : child sex assault charges and a NAMBLA informant reports that at of
    : April 1998 he was involved with a young boy.}

    : Nichols, Denny; 2835 Gale Road, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827-9615

    : Nichols, Kirby; 6105 Barkwood Ct., Ft. Worth, TX 76135 - Tel:
    : 817/237-5123

    : Nolan-Amory, Kingston; 2536 San Clemente Ave., Alhambra, CA 91803

    : Palmer, Nick; 456 49th Streeet, #A, Oakland, CA 94609 - Tel:
    : 510/???-????  {NOTE:  A San Francisco NAMBLA Chapter member whom Mike
    : Echols scammed in 1991/1992.  Due to his conviction for solicting sex
    : with a nine-year-old boy he was teaching piano, he was on parole but
    : it
    : was revoked because he was found to be teaching piano to another boy
    : and
    : attenting NAMBLA meetings.  He was send back to prison.}

    : Parker, Richard J.; 25852 McBean Pkwy., Apt. 416, Santa Clarita, CA
    : 91355 - Tel: 805/295-8391

    : Petry, Ron; (street address unknown), Seattle, WA - Tel: 206/726-5915

    : Power, Joe; 111 North Rengstorff Avenue - OR 345 East Middlefield Road -
    : Mountain View, CA  94043 - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] &
    : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: 650/968-9113  {NOTE:  Joe Power is a
    : twice-convicted child rapist, leader of NAMBLA, friend of the infamous
    : and now-incarcerated Jonathan Tampico.  Thanks to a member of the
    : public, this information on his new Mountain View address was provided
    : to Better A Millstone and is also being provided to the Mountain View
    : Police Department.}

    : "OPIX"<<
    : IN

    : Joe Power with two unidentified boys...a photo which Power himself
    : posted on the Internet.  Note that Power is a twice-convicted rapist
    : of
    : boys.  As a twice-convicted felon he has been quoted by boylover Denny
    : Mintun as saying, "The next boy I'm involved with who threatens to
    : turn
    : me in, I'll kill him!"

    : Radow, Roy; 17520 Wexford Terrace, Jamaica, NY 11432 -
    : - Tel: 718/658-3508 and 718/658-4512
    : Reeves, Thomas C. (Tom) (DOB 3/27/39); P.O. Box 1799, Jamaica Plains,
    : MA
    : 02130 -Work: Distribution for The Guide, P.O. Box 990593, 8 Concord
    : Square,Boston, MA02199 - Tel: 617/266-8557 - FAX: 617/266-1125

    : Rhodes, Robert "Bob"; 51 Hancock St., #3, Boston, MA 02114 - Tel:
    : (unknown) {NOTE:This is NAMBLA's National Membership Secretary who
    : took
    : me into a meeting of the NAMBLA Bulletin Collective members on April
    : 12,
    : 1985...a day that will live ininfamy for NAMBLA.  Note his photograph
    : below with two unidentified boys.  Andread about him and his sexual
    : lust
    : for young boys in the Epilogue of my book, "I Know My First Name Is
    : Steven".}+His Photo is in the Chicken Hawks Photo Gallery+

    : NOTE:  This is Robert Rhodes, NAMBLA's former National Membership
    : Secretary.  He is a dangerous pedophile and has by his own admission a
    : history of sexually assaulting young boys.  He currently lives in
    : Boston, Massachusetts at 51 Hancock Street, Apt. #3.  Beware!!!

    : Roller, Andrew; 5960 South Land Park Drive-253, Sacramento, CA 95822

    : Schafer, Bill; P.O. Box 2619, Danville, CA 94526

    : Schneider, David C.; 601 Bowen Street, Dayton, OH 45410-2422 - Tel:
    : 937-256-6441

    : Smith, Craig; P.O. Box 13534, Rochester, NY 14613-0534

    : Stapp, Bob; 2372 South Goebbert Road, #2057, Arlington Heights, IL
    : 60005

    : Stephenson, L. Story (AKA: Leyland Stevenson...possibly "Adam Selene"
    : on
    : BoyChat) (DOB 9/17/54); Rural Route #2 Chamcook, St. Andrews, New
    : Brunswick E0G 2X0, Canada - Tel: 506/529-4952 +Click for His Photo in
    : the Chicken Hawks Photo Gallery+

    : Sullivan, Andrew; 1014 North 63rd St., Omaha, NE 68132

    : Tampico, Jonathan Michael; United States Bureau of Prisons (exact
    : facility unknown)

    : Tunno, Gilo; E-mail him at [EMAIL PROTECTED], 10284 SE Wichita Ave.,
    : Milwaukie, OR 97222 - Tel: 503/654-5057

    : Tsang, Dan; Work: Writer for The Guide, P.O. Box 990593, 8 Concord
    : Square, Boston, MA 02199 - Tel: 617/266-8557 - FAX: 617/266-1125

    : Thorstad, David; 975 Reaney Ave., Apt. 2, St. Paul, MN 55106 - Tel:
    : 612/774-3709  {NOTE:David is a founding member of NAMBLA.}

    : Van Atta, Don; 932 West Main St., Apt. A, Grass Valley, CA 94945 -
    : Tel:
    : 530/272-1203

    : Van Ter Toolen, Leo; 177 Webster St., #A-450, Monterey, CA 93940 -
    : Tel:
    : 408/649-6319

    : Vob, Georg Winkhauser; Strasse 4b D-57392, Schmallenberg-Grafschaft,
    : Germany

    : White, Romel; California State Prison System...Convicted April 17,
    : Sentenced to 242 years May 15, 2000, of 30 counts sexual assault of a
    : child.

    : Whittie, Joseph, Jr.; 8338 Edgedale Road, Baltimore, MD 21234

    : Winkler, Jay; 614 Oakhill Pl, Calgary, Canada, Tel: 403-281-5593

    : Wolk, Steve; 991 Fawn Dr, Southampton,PA  Tel: 215-357-4007

    : Worth, Ian; #7 Guilford Country Estates, Brattleboro, VT 05301 - Tel:
    : 802/254-6041

    : Wright, The Rev. Lawrence W.; 323 Remington Street, Rochester, NY
    : 14621

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Y'all don't hear me though;

This is
- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us.


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