30th and Tivoly Baltimore City and Every Major City In the United States


    Photo by: WillyBill

Nov 30, 2013 @ 6:17pm by WillyBill

I was sitting in my house watching tv when the piercing sound of 3 gunshots rang out. I muted my tv to see if I was hearing what I thought I had heard. I heard voices so I got up went to my back door to see a young brother waking down the street putting his hands on his head as if  it was his attempt to hold himself together.

Still not quite convinced that I heard gun shots I progressed to the back door. Suddenly, I saw a sister running toward the sound then a brother; meanwhile the brother that was with the victim continued to walk away numb as if in shock. I immediately ran to my phone to dial 911. The operator answered, she began asking me questions about what happened, I became frustrated because I couldn't answer her questions, I wanted to but I didn't have the answers. Finally, I saw the police lights in the crack of my open door. I said, "the police are here." Wanting so desperately to know what was going on myself. She said to me hold on I want to get the ambulance out there. Again she asked me questions that would prepare the paramedics for the scene I went numb then my numbness started to become anger as I began to realize something tragic had just happen.

Finally, all I could hear was, "thank you, sir would you like to talk to the police?" I said no, for I had nothing to tell them, all I could feel at this moment was rage. I went to my back door and this young sister was coming down the street, she too was enraged by the senseless death. She yelled, "it don't make no since they are some stupid a-- niggas!" I stepped out my door because somehow her fulguration was an outward expression of my inner discord. I asked what happened? She yelled, "Them stupid a-- niggas just shot this dude in the head 3 times!" I said was it a brother? "She said yeah it was a young brother!" I retreated back to my house and as if on cue water began running down my face. I could only think I have to do something, I could feel myself wanting to talk with the person that pulled the trigger. I became suddenly so enraged as I resumed my facebook entries I slapped my computer off of the bed.

"I wanted so desperately to do something but there was nothing I could do. I wanted so bad to say something but there was nothing to say..."

Later, I heard commotion I when to the front door to hear the peircing sound of a mother's screams as she discovered the death of her son. Her screams went through me as fluid as chills. I again began to tear up. Suddenly out of nowhere I could hear this woman yelling what I suppose was the name of the victim. The police walked by my house I wanted so bad to stop them and expel my thoughts but I froze, not out of fear but out of appropriateness.

UPDATE: This is the victim... (Silence) So D**n Sad SMH

 Our Communities must do something so that we can stop loosing our young people to senseless violence. It is not up to the legislature, it is not up to the local politicians. It starts with the members of every community. Theses are our children.

Why couldn't this young man been a doctor, a lawyer, a business owner, a politician, or just a blue collar worker that adds something positive to our community. Not a statistic!

To the Waverly community what are you going to do about it? How do you plan to stave off this pandemic? Or do you plan to do nothing? The screams of this mother still sends ice through my veins I can still hear it as if it just happened. Come on Waverly let's change this community!

As the police were preparing to do a press release I surveyed the area and all I could see was other children on the corner just east of the officers. All I could think to myself is what will become of them. Will many of them share the same fate? What guarantees are being set in place to ensure that they will not suffer the same fate? I say we should not loose not one more child in this community to Willy lynch violence!



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