Anglers net a sunfish so big they thought it was an alien

The large sunfish recently caught in Jamaican waters - Photo courtesy of the Jamaican Observer
              Two Jamaican fishermen reeled in a 800-pound sunfish on Sunday, which is remarkable on two levels. First, sunfish aren't usually encountered around Jamaica. And second, though sunfish can reach two tons, 800 lbs. is a really, really big fish for two guys to catch. Desmond Phillips, one of the two fishermen, thought it was otherworldly. "At first I thought it was an alien, and I was somewhat frightened," Phillips told the Jamaica Gleaner. He wanted to let the fish go. But his fishing buddy and captain, Michael Grant, was intent on not letting the creature escape, so the two managed to get the gigantic fish onto their relatively small boat, nearly sinking it in the process.                











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