Amash-backed bill aimed to end NSA spying programs garners even bipartisan support

Budget Battle Future Challenges.JPG
This Oct. 15, 2013, photo, shows a view of the U.S. Capitol building at dusk in Washington. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
Andrew Krietz | akrietz@mlive.comBy Andrew Krietz | 
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on December 03, 2013 at 12:40 PM, updated December 03, 2013 at 3:41 PM

Amash.jpgU.S. Rep. Justin Amash, R-Cascade Township 
Update: Rep. Justin Amash's spokesman, Will Adams, has been added to this story for reaction.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — An even split of Democratic and Republican legislators back a bill supported by Rep. Justin Amash, aiming to end the country's domestic surveillance programs.
The legislation, titled The USA Freedom Act, would, if signed into law, curb the National Security Agency's ability to conduct communications sweeps and close a "back door" to information by requiring a court order when performing searches of Americans in data already collected without warrants.

The Hill reported during the weekend that the bill has at least 102 cosponsors, including 51 Democrats and 51 Republicans. That number is up from what previously has been reported; at least 70 legislators, including Amash, R-Cascade Township, and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, D-Detroit, supported the bill in October.
Will Adams, Amash's spokesman, said given the surge of support, he expects bipartisan, "comprehensive legislation" on the floor of the House this spring coming off of the upcoming holidays and the fiscal deadline in January.

"We think the American people want to rein in the NSA," Adams said. "They want their rights protected, they want their privacy protected from government surveillance."
The congressman recently told a group of constituents at a town hall eventhe has been pleased to receive positive reception over an issue he's blasted for the past year.
"It's getting out of control," Amash told the crowd. "(Courts are issuing) general warrants without specific cause, ... and you have one agency that's essentially having superpowers to pass information onto others."

Critics argue the NSA's actions of collecting private citizens' phone records are covert, done under secret court order without explanation and proper transparency.

"It's getting out of control," Amash told the crowd. "(Courts are issuing) general warrants without specific cause, ... "
Supporters, including U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, contend the agency acts within the interest of the United States' safety and security.
According to The Hill, members of Congress are placing increased pressure on House Republican leaders to bring the bill up for a vote. Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, defends the NSA's programs and voted against the "Amash Amendment" in July, which would have defunded the programs.

A House Democratic aide told The Hill that Republican leadership is "boxed in" on the issue.
"They're stuck. They would deal with this in the way they deal with a lot of things — by just not moving the legislation," they told the publication.

However, Adams credits Boehner for allowing a vote on the amendment this summer despite his own vote. He, too, sees continued movement toward a possible spring vote considering some legislators who first opposed the amendment now support the Freedom Act.
"Regardless of what his personal views are ... he has, so far, afforded us the procedure to start the NSA reform debate," Adams said.
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., coauthor of the 2001 USA Patriot Act, said the NSA has gone "far beyond" the original intent of the Patriot Act and overstepped its authority.
Sensenbrenner and Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Ct., introduced The USA Freedom Act to the House in October.

Andrew Krietz covers breaking and general police/fire news for MLive | The Grand Rapids Press. Email him at or follow him on Twitter.


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