Jaden Smith and Lil B are in a Relationship

Things are really changing in Hiphop culture these days. Jaden Smith is in a relationship with rapper Lil B and they are deeply in love.

Jaden who is no stranger to rocking women’s clothes hooked up with Lil B a while back at a recording session for Lil B’s 3rd studio album G.B.P. or Gay Black & Proud. The two instantly fell in love and don’t care if the world knows.

When Jaden was asked what attracted him to the Gangstalicious rapper he stated “I was nervous at first but he broke me right in and now I love getting my pelvic bone pushed back, Thank you Based God”.

Lil B calls Jaden his Holloywood love bug and insist he’s not taking advantage of his celebrity status to get new movie roles. He says the new movie coming out starring himself Jaden & rapper Young Thug called “Homonation We Taking Over” is just a coincidence.

The two Lovebirds are planning on getting married soon but have yet to set a date.


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