Shocking Evidence Points To O.J.’s SON As REAL Murder Suspect

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Since the new series about O.J. Simpson’s murder trial has emerged, a LOT of previously unknown information has emerged- the details within this story being some of that info. A private investigator, by the name of William C. Dear, spent several years closely and vigorously investigating the events surrounding the murders of O.J.’s ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman.


Author, William C. Dear has written a book called, O’J. Is Guilty But Not Of Murder, about the very interesting details he’s found out that were never publicized in the media. O.J. Is Guilty But Not Of Murder, Available On Amazon Dear has provided findings to back his claims that it was NOT O.J. who committed the murders, but it was his SON, Jason Simpson, who did. Jason was in his early 20’s at the time of the murders and and here is what was reported about the details listed in Dear’s book from his investigation:

Via [O.J.] hired a prominent criminal defense attorney for Jason the day after the murders. O.J. had been accused of abusing his former wife, but nothing, Dear claimed, suggested he might be capable of viciously carving up two human beings. Dear is convinced that O.J. visited the crime scene, accounting for the drops of Brown’s and Goldman’s blood that did show up in his car and at his home. But by the time O.J. arrived, the killer had already gone, Dear believes.

Dear theorizes that the killings were committed by someone Brown knew and would have opened her door to, someone capable of pathological brutality, someone who would have alerted O.J. Simpson to the crime, and someone O.J. would protect from prosecution by risking his own freedom. Private investigator and author of “O.J. Is Guilty But Not Of Murder,” William C. Dear He thinks that person is Jason Simpson. And he has found some remarkable circumstantial evidence to back up his story. Jason testified in a civil deposition — not made public but obtained by Dear, who provided a copy to New Times — that he was never interviewed by either the LAPD or the D.A.’s office in the wake of the killings. And post-trial statements by police and prosecutors suggest that Jason was never considered a suspect. But Dear says law enforcement officials should have known that at the time of the killings, Jason was on probation for assault with a deadly weapon — he’d attacked a former employer with a knife. Dear also obtained, by possibly illegal means, confidential hospital records showing that Jason has been treated for a mental disorder that had triggered three suicide attempts as well as sudden, fierce and irrational attacks on other people.

Dear writes that Jason attacked two former girlfriends, choking one until friends pulled him away and angrily cutting off the other’s hair with a knife.

Jason was said to have an “airtight alibi” for June 12, a statement that was repeated as gospel by prosecutors and the media: the sous-chef had been filling in for his boss, the executive chef at a Westwood restaurant, until after 11 p.m. that night. (The murders probably occurred sometime between 10:15 and 10:40.) Dear has been unable to find the original source of this story. And Jason testified in his deposition that the restaurant, Jackson’s, closed early that night, and that he left between 10 and 10:30, when he was picked up by his girlfriend. He said that after dropping his girlfriend off at her home, he went to his apartment alone and watched TV until 3 a.m. Dear writes that the girlfriend told him she picked Jason up earlier, before 10 p.m. And other Jackson’s employees Dear tracked down said Jason left as early as 9:30 p.m.

Jason also testified that he departed from work that night just as he always did, carrying his personal set of chef’s knives. Autopsies showed that Brown and Goldman were killed by a thin, single-edged blade, and Dear solicited help from forensic experts who assured him that a chef’s boning knife, for example, would be consistent with the murder weapon — which has never been found. And Dear says that Jason, who was 24 at the time, had a reason for being unhappy with his ex-stepmother that night.

In his deposition, Jason said he had asked Nicole to bring her family to his restaurant on June 12 following his half sister Sydney’s dance recital, an event he was unable to attend because of his job.

Nicole agreed, and Jason testified that this pleased him greatly. Dear paints a portrait of Jason as a son who had been only a disappointment to his football-legend father, and who desperately wanted recognition for his own talents as a cook. Jason, according to Dear, looked forward to showing off for Brown and her relatives, and he’d bought special foods to prepare for the night. But on June 11, Brown changed her plans, telling Jason his restaurant was too far away and too expensive, he testified.

Dear theorizes that after dropping off his girlfriend, Jason went to Brown’s Bundy Drive condo to confront her about ruining his big night. Brown’s response may have angered Jason — a man with such a short fuse that he once sliced off a girlfriend’s hair with a knife in a jealous rage, according to Dear. After killing Brown and Goldman — who had simply walked up at the wrong time — Jason would have called his father in a state of hysteria, Dear writes. O.J. Simpson, unsure if his troubled son had committed such a horrible crime or merely hallucinated it, decided to investigate.

Donning gloves and a knit cap in a hurried attempt at a disguise, he arrived at the scene and, shocked at the carnage, dropped his left glove and cap. O.J. then rushed back to Rockingham, dropped the right glove, and was seen hurrying into the house by limousine driver Allan Park. L-R: Top row: O.J. Simpson, Nicole Brown Simpson, Jason Simpson; Bottom row: Sydney and Justin Simpson Such a scenario, Dear writes, would explain some of O.J.’s strange responses in the wake of the crime — for example, why he didn’t ask police officers informing him of Brown’s death how she died (since he knew very well she had been knifed) and why he failed a polygraph examination conducted by his own attorneys. Why his escape attempt seemed so confused.

Since the new series about O.J. Simpson’s murder trial has emerged, a LOT of previously unknown information has emerged- the details within this story being some of that info. A private investigator, by the name of William C. Dear, spent several years closely and vigorously investigating the events surrounding the murders of O.J.’s ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman. Author, William C. Dear has written a book called, O’J. Is Guilty But Not Of Murder, about the very interesting details he’s found out that were never publicized in the media.
O.J. Is Guilty But Not Of Murder, Available On Amazon
Dear has provided findings to back his claims that it was NOT O.J. who committed the murders, but it was his SON, Jason Simpson, who did. Jason was in his early 20’s at the time of the murders and and here is what was reported about the details listed in Dear’s book from his investigation:
Via [O.J.] hired a prominent criminal defense attorney for Jason the day after the murders. 
O.J. had been accused of abusing his former wife, but nothing, Dear claimed, suggested he might be capable of viciously carving up two human beings. 
Dear is convinced that O.J. visited the crime scene, accounting for the drops of Brown’s and Goldman’s blood that did show up in his car and at his home. But by the time O.J. arrived, the killer had already gone, Dear believes. 
Dear theorizes that the killings were committed by someone Brown knew and would have opened her door to, someone capable of pathological brutality, someone who would have alerted O.J. Simpson to the crime, and someone O.J. would protect from prosecution by risking his own freedom.
Private investigator and author of "O.J. Is Guilty But Not Of Murder," William C. Dear
Private investigator and author of “O.J. Is Guilty But Not Of Murder,” William C. Dear
He thinks that person is Jason Simpson. And he has found some remarkable circumstantial evidence to back up his story. 

Jason testified in a civil deposition — not made public but obtained by Dear, who provided a copy to New Times — that he was never interviewed by either the LAPD or the D.A.’s office in the wake of the killings. And post-trial statements by police and prosecutors suggest that Jason was never considered a suspect. 
But Dear says law enforcement officials should have known that at the time of the killings, Jason was on probation for assault with a deadly weapon — he’d attacked a former employer with a knife. 
Dear also obtained, by possibly illegal means, confidential hospital records showing that Jason has been treated for a mental disorder that had triggered three suicide attempts as well as sudden, fierce and irrational attacks on other people. Dear writes that Jason attacked two former girlfriends, choking one until friends pulled him away and angrily cutting off the other’s hair with a knife.


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