Council on American- Islamic Relations

This brief film exposes the origin, purpose, and operational activities of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). It cites examples of almost 150 documented cases of frivolous lawsuits, extortion, intimidation and subversion undertaken by CAIR, all aimed at silencing its critics and advancing its agenda.
CAIR misrepresents itself as a Muslim civil rights organization, but is in reality a seditious and subversive group operating within the United States and Canada as a direct operational extension of the radical Muslim Brotherhood. In the film, CAIR is shown to be an instrumental facet of the radical and violent Jihadist movement, waging war against American and Canadian institutions and constitutional freedoms.

We need people to show this film at their churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, community groups, and at any venue that would be appropriate. If you can arrange for this, please let us know and we will send you a copy.
You can contact us at:
Citizens For National Security
P.O. Box 880302 - Boca Raton, FL 33488
Or, e-mail us at info@CFNS.US


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