Pelosi Accuses WH of Major Security Breach By Leaking Commercial Flight Plans: ‘Very Dangerous’


This is ridiculous and disingenuous for both the dems and the republicans shame on them. The fact that Fox and CNN which are looked at as the AP, has drawn a line in the sand and postured themselves in polar opposite positions proves that neither are fair and balanced reporting; and are not to be trusted.

The Democrats represent Big Banks and Republicans represent Big Oil, and other factions, however,  what is not being represented is the will of the American people. The Constitution has been and is currently being all but ignored. For the past 50 years every President has committed high crimes and misdemeanors and has demonstrated that they are making independent decisions that flies in the face of what the American People wanted.

We all have to take responsibility for the downfall of this great nation, the Pre-Regan parents passed this nation on to the Baby Boomers in tact. Some elements of the ideology of COINTELPRO, Stalin, Hitler, Eugenics, Mussolini, and Communism has crept into the political conscientiousness of the Amercian People by the last 50+ years of political, constitutional sabotage; starting with Regan.

The Clinton's took high crimes and misdemeanors to a level that the American People has never then nor since seen before. Nonetheless, they remain politically unscathed. When I compare what the Clinton's and every president since Nixon has done to Black America President Trump seems like a boyscott. President Trump is now trying to divert the ominous economic crisis on the horizon. The American public has no clue as to what this President is trying to avert. He can not tell you because it would send the American public into a panic like never before seen, and/or The American Public would not believe him.

There needs to be a grassroots movement right not joining this President in his attempts to assuage the national debt. The "Social Programs" established by the Southern White Democrats who hate this government intend to economically collapse this nation into a Socialist Global Government controlled by the elites. President Trump 


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