They Are Coming For Us

Muslim Man Running for Virginia State Senate

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Qasim Rashid is a Democratic Candidate for Virginia State Senate in District 28.
Rashid is a muslim man who was born in Pakistan. 
According to Rashid’s Facebook page, Tim Kaine is his old law school professor. Not only was Kaine his professor, but they have remained friends. 
Rashid is endorsed by Emgage Action, a political organization aimed at getting muslims elected in the U.S. 
Rashid will face Democrat Laura Sellers in the Primary Election on June 11th 2019. The winner will face Republican incumbent Richard H. Stuart.

B-13 Peer Review   Americans are mentally like pigs lead to slaughter. On the heals of one of the only attacks by foreigners on American soil. We are electing these traitors (Muslims) into office across the nation.We are giving up individual freedoms in the interest of, "National Security". However, we are giving others political control on our soil to those we were told hate us, our GOD, and our way of life. 

Meanwhile on the international seen they have become embolden: Iran shoots down US drone.
(No work of fiction compares!)
SenatorAt least 30 years old, a citizen for at least 9 years, and a resident of the state he or she represents
President and Vice PresidentAt least 35 years old, a natural-born citizen, a U.S. resident for at least 14 years

There is a faction of megalomaniacs trying to undermine our divine, constitutional ground up legislative union. On one hand we have the Capitalist that are only interested in Profits not people. On the other hand we have the ideological, Socialist, Feminist, liberal, immoral, Demagogues that intend to overthrow our GOD, individual liberty, and our GOD given sovereign constitutional union in order to pad their pockets; neglecting to look behind or ahead to the dangers that are inevitably lurking ahead. 

They have no rhyme or reason, just lust for money, power, and control, and damn the people they are selected, elected and sworn to protect and serve. Even at their own peril. ( 1 Tim 6:10) 

Moreover, The People are willfully and systemically outwitted through 50+ years of sinister social engineering. We the people must wake up get back to GOD, constitution, and personal liberty by putting GOD in our hearts and minds. The profiteers of slavery their celebrity friends, other politicians on both sides congress, and other world leaders are relentless and willing to do and say anything in order to further a global, oligarchical, totalitarian, communist, socialist, capitalist, political machine. Like never before in world history. 

We are a world and nation in crisis. The city set on the hill is falling and failing. There is a very real adversary that has postured himself as the zeitgeist of our time. We must, as a people, protect our sovereignty, protect our families, humanize, dignify, and love our vagrants, rehabilitate our reprobate, love our enemies, love our neighbors, pray for those that despise and try to uses us, and most of all love THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISSAC, AND JACOB with all of our hearts, souls, and might. For it is only HE that can deliver us from the hands of the very real adversary.

For we have lost our way and do not collectively know how and in some cases desire to fix this. For those who know the words of prayer, now is the time to pray for our nation!!!! #dosomething


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