Below is the list of cities with declining Year-Over-Year home prices…

The Cafe' [Think Tank]- I consistently try to warn my black democratic brothers and sisters about the (White racist democratic socialist slave party) and the coming menacing doom however, it seems to me that their minds has been hijacked. (Willy Lynch) They have been stripped of education, and economic power (Ronald Reagan). Their bodies has been over sexualized through hip hop. Malcom X- "If they can hedonize you they can control you." 

Between "Sex Sells" ad campaigns of the late 70's, the meeting with all the record execs, and some hip hop artists with George Bush Sr, and the de-funding of the inner cities education system, and Trickle down economics.  All done under and following the Reagan Administration there is no wonder blacks would rather jump on a sinking ship like "Democratic Socialism" with democrats punching the wholes -vs- jumping on a boat that their ancestors built with their own warning them to come aboard #walkaway they have been socially engineered to trust only the white lead DNC. Supported by sycophantic house niggers that are paid well to mislead the masses of black voters.  

The democrats has since reconstruction desired to galvanize the black vote. They promise them free lunches like reparations, and the like to strip them of all of their constitutional rights and blacks passionately follow. (As evidenced below). 

The DNC promises free healthcare, free college, reparations, and socialism by heavily taxing the rich or the redistribution of wealth and all types of free giveaways that can not be realistically economically sustained. However, when democrats are elected this is what blacks get: 

 List Showing 58 U.S. Markets Lost Value Year-Over-Year

These (below blue) are all democratic controlled states. Above is a list of their economic failures. Dem move impoverished blacks out of the cities and to the counties menacingly enough poverty seems to follow them. Democratic Blacks seem to be none-the-wiser.  They don't read nor do they know the bill of rights, the law nor constitution. Whatever, the former slavers say they follow with fervor. 

This is Willylynchism, and social engineering genius where the truth is far stranger. My fear is blacks will not wake up until we have a one world government, one world currency, and one world religion. Abomination in the temple then they will know who they really are and at that time they will flee.
(Mark 13:14-20)

Donald Trump 45th US President - USA Map Election 2016 Photographic Print

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Y'all don't hear me though;

This is
- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us.


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