The Cafe' [ThinkTank]: America's Great Divide | FRONTLINE Parts 1&2


An investigation into America’s increasingly bitter, divided and toxic politics.
The documentary traces how Barack Obama’s promise of unity collapsed as increasing racial, cultural and political divisions laid the groundwork for the rise of Donald Trump.


Part Two of the documentary examines how Donald Trump’s campaign exploited the country’s divisions and how his
presidency has unleashed anger on both sides of the divide.

The Cafe' [Think Tank]:

We are posting this documentary to chronicle how we have gotten here, The era of Trump, how the Palin and Obama created the perfect storm for Trumps election. ...And how the era of Trump has created a nostalgic euphoria for the Obama administration that has glossed over enumerable transgressions.

We intend to have the American public to take a good hard look in the mirror. Look at the good the bad and the ugly and more importantly lets look at our own covetousness. I believe that we all want the same thing so how do we get there? We are not Black America/White America/ Asian America/Latin America/ African America we are America. We are a democracy we all want to raise our children and give them the best life and the best opportunities possible. ...And hopefully we will raise the next politicians that will come from among us and do the will of GOD and the Constitution. Let's put aside the division use our common sense and reach outside ourselves. Let interest ourselves in the rights of fellow Americans insuring that all get pure unadulterated constitutional rights.

Lets study history, policy, of the past administrations, constitution and the bill of rights. Educate ourselves and take the country back from the elites that galvanize your passions in opposition to your own best interests.

Videos - Frontline

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