BCPS - Baltimore City Public School System (What is going on?)


  • Property taxes goes for education
  • Proceeds from the Maryland State lottery is supposed to be for education
  • Proceeds from the casinos are supposed to be for education
  • Federal government give Maryland funds for; you guested it, Education
  • 2020 election would like you to think that if you voted for sports betting in Maryland they have promised that proceeds would go to what? Education.
You passed that initiative on the ballot #dumbass
Baltimore has got to be the most well funded school system in all the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet they have you convinced that you need to defund the police when the majority of murders in Maryland of black people are at the hands of black people!!!!
Somebodies in Maryland School system is very rich!
We still don't know were the billions given to Elijah Cummings for Baltimore's infrastructure and "education" went that secret died with him! Meanwhile Elijah is dead and this is what is going on with the infrastructure: https://abcnews.go.com/.../gas-explosion-maryland-badly...
No one in Maryland seems to be able to put this all together and demand that their elected official do better!!!
*** Note: Please educate yourself before you vote!!!

Where is all the money?


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