The Cafe [Think Tank]: Editor's Thoughts.


Watching the news this morning:
Joe Biden's Policies:
  • Crimes Bill - He is now trying to champion the crimes bill he wrote. (SMDH)
  • Patriot Act - Biden is trying to champion the Patriot Act again he wrote it.
  • Biden shut down the oil pipe line that Trump invested in. Biden is now trying to champion the spike in oil prices. Again he caused the spike. He has vowed to release 20 mil barrels of oil; However, Americans use 50 mil barrels a day. (Disconnect)
  • Biden is firing American workers for not getting the vaccine. He is importing illegal immigrants not requiring them to be vaccinated. Businesses that have employment shortages are hiring the illegals in the place of fired Americans. Not considering the constitutional, religious exemptions; conscientious objections; Nor medical exemptions.
  • Homelessness is on the rise in all the big Democratic States.
  • High prices on everything because he pulled back Trump's tariff's that forced manufacturing companies back to the U.S.
  • Defunding the police has lead to a major rise of crime in places were crime has never existed.
  • Biden has let criminals out of Jail on bail to victimize again.
  • Biden is trying to enforce an unconstitutional rule to force vaccination. He whom has no medical expertise; nor has he run this through congress as he supposed to because he knows it would not survive legitimate constitutional scrutiny.
  • Biden has re-join the Paris Climate Agreement which is paid for by American tax payers amid a pending economic doom.
  • All things considered Biden is trying to pass a $5 Trillion massive social infrastructure bill. This bill will put America's children that are not yet born in debt.
  • Biden is trying to mandate truck drivers to vaccinate that is going to further cripple the supply chain causing higher Prices.
  • Illegals kids has piled up at the boarder.
  • Government are no longer allowing Americans to solve their own problem as constitutionally structured. Democrats are trying to get all Americans dependent upon Government.
  • Biden is looking to give money to the illegals as settlement for kids at the boarder that he and Obama started. He is trying to pan it off to Trump so that Americans can support it. Americans are non the wiser because mainstream media has continued to ignore the fact that the camps were build in 2008, under the Obama administration.
  • These treasonous policies has been long started since 1965 starting with the Democrats attempt to control the black vote. Their intent is to keep Blacks and minorities from true constitutional autonomy. They intend to erode the constitution in order to seize control of all things American, the office of President will be a dictatorship. 
  • Biden is mandating businesses to enforce unconstitutional vaccine mandates that will cripple small business. Small businesses have sent a letter to Biden that reads:
"This mandate is not a small ask of America's employers. Businesses are just recovering from the pandemic. They are dealing with the highest inflation in over 30 years, and they are struggling to deal with a supply chain and labor shortage crisis. Now is the worst time to deputize them as the health police."
  • This seems like a regime change and no one seems to be able to stop it... The justice department is ignoring the treasonous acts. The FBI has been on the take by the Democratic party for years. The CIA is essentially silent on the issue. Americans seem to keep voting against their best interest because the average American doesn't know constitutional law.
  • Who will stop this obvious decommissioning of America!?
  • The power of supply chain is in the hands of foreign governments via American manufacturing companies.
If American manufacturing companies were forced back to the U.S. and American farmers were encouraged to produce commodities. If we tapped into our oil reserves (Trump's oil pipeline). America would be economically ahead of the rest of the world, sustainably

Who will stop them? Who has the sovereign authority to protect America? How can we get the people to unite on this issue? Why aren't American's alarmed?



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