Fox 45 Reports: Biden calls 'MAGA' loyalists 'most extreme political organization' in recent US history

by ALEC SCHEMMEL | The National Desk

During his response to a question from a reporter about the recent Supreme Court leak, President Joe Biden called the “MAGA crowd” of ardent Trump supporters “the most extreme political organization” to exist in recent U.S. history.

The president held a news conference to promote his work on the economy ahead of a speech to hundreds of Olympic athletes invited to the White House on Wednesday.

After Biden’s prepared remarks on the economy, during which he touted his disputed success lowering the deficit, the president was immediately asked about his thoughts on the Roe v. Wade leak.

Biden began his response opining about how abortion is a natural right. He then theorized the uprooting of Roe v. Wade could have such far-reaching effects that it could potentially lead to LGBT children being segregated in schools.

"What happens if you have states change the law saying that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children? Is that legit, under the way the decision’s written?” Biden asked rhetorically during his response, referencing the leaked preliminary opinion on Roe v. Wade that ruled to overturn the decades-old ruling legalizing abortion federally. “What are the next things that are going to be attacked, because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history – recent American history."

Biden was subsequently slammed by critics for his comments.



On Tuesday, after confirming the authenticity of the leaked opinion, Biden said he feared an overturning of Roe v. Wade could throw other Supreme Court decisions about Americans' private life, like those on same-sex marriage and contraceptives, into question.

"It basically says all the decisions related to your private life — who you marry, whether or not you decide to conceive a child or not, whether or not you can have an abortion — a range of other decisions, whether or how you raise your child — what does this do?” Biden said of the leaked draft ruling according to White House transcripts.
"Does this mean that in Florida they can decide they’re going to pass a law saying that same-sex marriage is not permissible? That it’s against the law in Florida?" Biden continued
The New York Post reported Biden failed to condemn the unprecedented Supreme Court leak when asked if there was a chance it would cause any irreparable damage to the way the Court operates moving forward.

Let's us examine this shall we:

- So the maga crowd are extreme because they do not support late term abortions.

- Because they do not support pedophilia,

- Because they do not support men in woman sports,

- Because they do not support economic collapse of the US economy.

- Because they are patriotic,

- Because they believe that the sex you were born with identifies you as male or female,

- Because they, want democracy over communist socialism,

- Because they want all monopolies broken up,

- Because they want a sovereign nation,

- Because they want to build wealth for all American Citizens,

- Because they want energy independence,

- Because they don't want their kids taught by drag queens,

- Because they do not want their kids to be taught that the white "race" is inherently evil,

- Because they don't want kids exposed to porn in elementary schools,

- Because they don't want satanist teaching their children,

- Because they don't want their children indoctrinated with reverse racism, (CRT)

- Because they don't want a Supreme Court that isn't GODly people ruled by common sense,

- Because they don't want politicians that support such evil and sick policies.

- Because they are not buying your commit a crime and blame your competition/opposition politics,

- Because they don't want open borders where sex traffickers, drugs and gangs can enter.

- Because they opposed the Crimes Bill, (writted by Joe B)

- Because they opposed the Patriot Act, (also writted by Joe B)

But they are extreme?!

Well it sounds like to me Joe you are the antithesis to the constitution and GOD!

You hate them mostly because they don't drink the Kool Aid!
Biden is sick; with a lust for money, control, and power!

Biden has taken money from China, Russia, and has given money to Iran,

Biden has committed treason high crimes and misdemeanors,

Anything but Trump right? Well you got it!


Joe Biden is the new Jim Jones! If you don't mind your vote come Nov 2022 you will get to see who he really is!

(Vaccine mandates are coming and no one is now dying of Covid)

Y'all don't hear me though...!

This is

- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. 


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