This video was removed by Youtube while the Jan 6 hearing are commencing.

This is the information that the oligarchs are hiding from you. They are telling you that the election was fair and honest. However, It was everything but! That is why Biden is suing Arizona. Biden is suing Texas. After the investigation they found that there was significant voter fraud. Pennsylvania had irregularities with signatures in it's investigation. Meaning that people that voted were dead, from out of state, and None residents etc. These battles are still raging that is when the refer to Biden, listen closely, you will see that they refer to him as President Elect not President. 

Please people don't believe the hype. My parents told me be believe none of what you hear, half of what you see, and watch what you say. ...And they were right!

Wow I just noticed that they won't show it there either just log into facebook and hit this link VOTER FRAUD


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