Black people of America your romanticized and cozy relationship with the Democrats party! 

COINTELPRO - FBI Program established under J. Edgar Hoover

Under Director J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI's COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program) was aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political groups within the United States. In the 1960's, COINTELPRO's targets frequently included civil rights activists, both those who espoused non-violence, like Martin Luther King, and those that Hoover referred to as "black nationalist hate groups," like the Black Panthers. This document outlines the program's goals in attempting to limit the effectiveness of such groups. In practice, the FBI used infiltration, legal harassment, disinformation and sometimes extra-legal intimidation and violence against King, the Panthers, and other black activist groups in its attempt to discredit and disrupt them.

What's with all this black history on Facebook?
Is this black history month and no one informed me? What is it all about when our most impressionable young black minds continue to be subjugated by the likes of Socialism, Critical Race theory, BLM, NAACP, epicenic black men, strong aunt jemima type black women, and the Democratic party and their klans-men in blackface!

i.e. Stacy Abrams, Roland Martin, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, John Legend, Shaq O'Neil, Charles Barclay, to name a few but mostly, Black celebrity, black politicians, and White bleeding heart liberals that bait you!

"White liberals are the most dangerous, because they pretend to be allies of Black people. The conservatives don't pretend to like us so we know he/she is our enemy."
- Malcolm X

Black people are on the wrong side of history collectively and continue a new slavery!
One of the mind!

"Slavery was/is a choice"
- Kanye West

“I would rather die free than live in bondage.”

― Matshona Dhliwayo

"My People parish for lack of knowledge"
- The Hebrew GOD

Hosea 4:6
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
- The Hebrew GOD

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Not that I don't appreciate all the black history. After all I am being a little coy with the black history reference.
However my point stands!
What good is in remembering black history when we still fall prey to those that hate us!
They have divided to concur us, the have us hating the one that loves us most! (JESUS CHRIST)

Therefore, in every major inner-city after 400 years. We, in America are killing our own flesh not just with guns but with our mouths! (Social assassination which is a part of COINTELPRO!)

However, we praise massa (Democratic White Liberals) and not THE MESSIAH; GOD'S provision!
John 3:16

Woe unto you oh black man that hate GOD given democracy (that gives all man the freedoms to accept or reject HIM) (the ability of every man to try his own soul!) for usurpation and subrogation of that control to a government that has and continues to enslave you either in physical chains or mental ones!

'I'll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for the next 200 Years' 

- Lyndon B Johnson

"They gonna put you back in chains"
- Joe Biden

They have and continue to claim your 400 years of intellectual property!

Now, thanks to president Obama the Lgbtq movement has highjacked the civil rights movement. The two in no way compare!

They give you government programs which are a band-aid on the economic hemorrhage in the black community. They bring foreigners to the black community to capitalize on the over $1 Trillion spending power in the black community as of 2015.

If blackwallstreet was a economic lesson to the world then black people should be at the head of every table. If intellectual property is retroacted then we would not need reparations!

Yet our future (Children) live in the war torn, impoverished, depraved, dilapidated democratic inner cities; and there are no fathers in protest.

The democrats are afraid of a heterosexual strong black man with morals! They know they can not control him!

Our Children have megalomania, with dreams of grandeur becoming future Hip hop artists, Sports & Entertainment zeitgeists, leaders for the white liberal oligarchs in politics for money and will sell their mother for a dime!

Meanwhile, the white bleeding heart liberals children have focus and purpose they have dreams of owning businesses, becoming politicians, lawyers, Scientist, engineers, inventors, doctors, lawyers, decision makers, the movers and shakers that are hell bent on keeping you under some sort of their control.

Our kids stand on corners selling legal and illegal pharmaceuticals.

Their kids go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Juilliard.

Our kids are ditching school, however, if they finish high school they go to community college! (Funny thing is the government has figured out a way to make money off of them. i.e. Most governors and mayors go on to teach at colleges and universities the ones that receive the government funds.) The ones that support and perpetuate white liberal lies! If the community colleges that receive government funding, which is probably about 90% to 100%, don't teach their lies they will loose their funding.

Our homes are just under 70% single parent homes!

White homes are just below 25%!

Yet democrats empower our women to not need a man! They have put the black woman in charge of the home! Does that sound familiar?

Moreover, you "blacks" continue to get in line for government handouts! Weather it's legal marijuana, legal drug deals, legal drug use, some minor prison reform, (from a sitting then Senator that put you in prison (mass Incarceration) in the first place. (Biden)

Like a one two punch Regan Privatized prisons (for investors) then Senator Joe Biden filled them with your kids/ your people!

They try to create a movement that make you feel fake empowered, (Woke) however proposing nothing weighty. By aligning yourself with a sitting president that militarized the police to kill you in the first place! (Patriot Act) At least he take credit and pride for writing it.

They put leaders in charge of the movement (BLM) that took the money and ran with no accountability from the current administration! They call you woke and I say you are the most blind, hedonistic, bamboozled, run amuck generation in all of the annals of Hebrew, Israeli, Jewish ("Black") history in America.

Yet you follow like a child with loyalty to an abusive parent!
You don't even know who's you are!
More importantly what that means!

But they know who's you are that is way they are heavily invested in keeping you "woke".

Follow our podcast at youtube: The Cafe' University [Think Tank]
Y'all don't hear me though; This is

- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. 


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