That something for nothing identity politics is killing us!

I get it; you may see the homeless and think somebody has to do something; but if you know how the government works you would understand that the government is not a charity. 

It is the non-profits mainly the churches responsibility; this means the church, as God's representative here on earth, has the responsibility to serve the poor and genuinely loving them. (Prov 19:17) The government did its job it established the non profit with abolished taxes. 

Pastors are riding around in fine cars, kids go to the best schools, they live in lavish homes while the people suffer. Put the blame where it lies. #educateyourselvesblackpeople You live in a government and don't know how it works. You listen to the news (Military Industrial Complex) and parrot with vigor, strong emotions, and force. You are strong in your wrong! So much so the party that benefited off of slavery and the companies that was built on slave labor you have voted in their party for over 50 years now! According to LBJ you have a hundred and 50 to go. You are voting for them to your peril; just look at the picture above since this administration has been in control. Mass corruption and lawlessness that you refuse to acknowledge. 

The party that you helped build (Republican Party) to represented your interests you've walked away for entitlements under FDR. When the government gets involved it is never good. You let them bastards convince you that they aren't the racist! SMDH! 


The democrats want you to look to them because when they do give you something it is for something your vote! Negros fall for it every cycle don't you see it!? Every election they promise you reparations, better schools, hate crimes legislation, (That was unique to this administration) and support of black business etc. Have you seen any of it? As a matter of fact when Biden feet was put to the fire he signed hate crime legislation but it wasn't for you!

He gave reparations but it wasn't to you!

Oh and free healthcare?

Biden privately tells lawmakers not to expect much on reparations legislation. Perhaps it will be a pitch for his 2024 campaign, LOL!

We need to stop depending on government and find it within ourselves to do what needs to be done for ourselves! The black panthers became a part of the system and beat them at their own game. Panthers became the governments target (COINTELPRO) and yes they were the Democrats! 

Oh I forgot Joe Biden gave you new clean crack pipes, and new needles in the care package during COVID! 

Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”  – Albert Einstein.

We have a collective psychoses through the single parent homes orchestrated by; again ; the Democrats!  When black men were in the home we voted overwhelmingly republican the party we helped to create. Wake Up!!! Black women always had direct ties with the white slave master and today nothing is different. Without fathers the women teach their children the ways of the slave! Voting for the party of the south!

No one is going to save us we have to save ourselves by turning to GOD!

A facebook friend had become very angry about seeing a homeless man sleeping on a bench at city hall in Baltimore. He proposed that it is the black politicians responsibility to help this man. I think the man would be better served if my facebook friend was to get a grant and start a homeless shelter.

Because of my experiences with the city offices; if I was to advise the homeless man I would tell him to get a city job in order something for nothing from the government. 

I would tell him to get a government job he can go clock in  and go back to his bench then go clock out when the day is done. He can get a clerical position and say he is working from home he would never have to answer the phone and no one will ever show up at the city for service. Because of the COVID policies that are still in place. If anyone shows up at the city for service they will give them his number, but he never has to answer. He can collect a nice check and sleep all day in front of city hall clock out at the end of the day and he would be fine!

That is the climate of this administration GO Brandon!

Follow our podcast at youtube: The Cafe' University [Think Tank]

Y'all don't hear me though;

This is
- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us.


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