This a blog for thinkers... Were we share thoughts and Ideas; weather conventional or unconventional; moral or immoral; Traditional or Trendy; History vs His Story; Politics and the Vote; Science vs Religion; this is where it all goes down... So join us in: "The Cafe".
The real Insurrection!
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Americans entering a publicly funded building; a building they pay for is not an insurrection!
They (Two party peddler's) know that it is very likely that Trump will win the presidency for 2024 so they are trying to speed up their agenda so that it doesn't matter!
( As of March 1, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 133 executive orders, 169
presidential memoranda, 563 proclamations, and 113 notices.)
Unvetted people intering indiscriminately at the border is infact a treasonous insurrection!
Trump cannot do this by himself although he is up for the task! His passion for freedom is strong! Trump has a selfless drive to keep America solvereign. The American people must join him in this fight. You cannot just sit idly by, you must get involved.
They are counting on your apathy, lethargy, sloth, mediocrity, since of entitlement, and your ignorance of all things constitutional.
You must fight to keep America free, and hold the people that are a threat to that freedom; accountable immediately act!
You have to see they are bringing in people that don't know you. These people they are recruiting to the police force they will have no problem killing you!
This is the true insurrection!
The Demoncrats has a way of accusing someone or a group of people of the very same thing they are actively doing or will do!
While people are watching those accused they carry out the act with inpunity!
I know some of you are mainstream media outlets, bloggers, and podcasters are coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work.
If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us.
You haven't seen me on Youtube, Spotify, and my biggest fight facebook and other media outlets. We here are the purveyors and true practitioners of free speech. We will not have someone parenting me a free man in a country that my GOD built and where I have the constitution presumption of freedom. So we have decided to build our own platform where the constitution, a covenant between GOD and man, giving every man the right to try his own soul!
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
- Rom 13:1
Stay tuned you haven't heard the last of us. I refused to be silent!
FACTS: The abolitionists and the Freedman's Bureau (Free negros voters and politicians) that created the republican party. Lincoln was rumored to be an abolitionist that is why the Democratic south did not want him as President. The Democratic South wanted to maintain status quo. However, Lincoln did win and in 1863 Lincoln signed into law the Emancipation Proclamation which was the instrument that freed the slaves. Also what is not widely taught is that Lincoln created the greenback. Andrew Jackson was the president to implement it. Follow our podcast at youtube: The Cafe' University [Think Tank] Y'all don't hear me though; This is - WillyBill, ...And I'm out! PLEASE LIKE SHARE, FOLLOW, COMMENT BELOW & JOIN US (Subscribe) : Facebook Facebook Business Twitter Pinterest YouTube Rumble Buzzsprout Spotify I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no...
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan at their wedding in Palo Alto, Calif. ( Allyson Magda / Associated Press / May 19 , 2012 ) By Salvador Rodriguez ...
WARNING: The video below is graphic and disturbing. Salt Lake City, UT — On August 11, 2014 Dillon Taylor was gunned down in broad daylight by Officer Bron Cruz. The confrontation happened because Cruz confused Taylor with a possible criminal in the area. Taylor, his brother, and his cousin were exiting a 7-Eleven in an area where police were searching for a suspect who had allegedly been waving a gun around. These uninvolved young men allegedly matched the description. When the three men exited the convenience store they were surrounded by officers and ordered to show their hands. Two of the men stopped and complied, Dillon Taylor, listening to music, kept walking. Barely 40 seconds go by from the time Dillon is approached until he is shot by Cruz. The body cam footage was released in September of last year, however, it stopped just after the shots were fired. Apparently the department did not want you to see what happened after as the full video was n...
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