Kenyan Lynched In NJ: Why Are They Hiding It? Man Found Hanging From Tree In Jersey City With Hands Tied Behind Back graphic picture

by Monica Davis
Disturbing news coming out of New Jersey today.  Authorities say there was no foul play in the case of a black man who was found hanging from a tree in Jersey City, New Jersey.
A woman who dialed 911 and reported the incident has another story.
According to one news report:

The lifeless body of the unidentified man, who appeared to be in his 60’s, was found in Lafayette Park on the morning of August 6, 2013. reports that a woman “who was walking on Manning Avenue near Lafayette Street just outside the park,” saw the man and immediately reported the incident to police officials.
Gene Rubino, who is the spokesman for the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office, said that the man was taken to Jersey City Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.  He also told “that foul play is not suspected and that there were no visible signs of trauma or assault.” MOREHERE
A blog entry by a woman who claims to have called 911 when she discovered  the body has another story altogether.
A woman who identifies herself as Nurse Tonya tells a different story.  In the comment section posted on, she writes, “I was there alone, in my truck, taking my two toddlers to the park to meet their daycare, and then on my way to work. I take the cobble stone road as a short cut and as I looked beyond the trees to see where the class was, I was curious why the park was COMPLETELY empty. I lowered my eyes as I was slowing down to see a man “Kneeling” yet hung from a tree.” MOREHERE
Are we looking at a lynching here? And, if so, who did  it? There are more twists to this story.  Another site identifies the man as a 61 year old Kenyan who was reportedly despondent over losing his job..
Police in Jersey city, New Jersey, have launched investigations into the circumstances leading to the death of a Kenyan man whose body was found hanging on a tree in one of the city’s parks.
On Tuesday, the body of Jeffrey Kililibwa, 61, was discovered dangling from a tree by a passerby in Lafayette Park. MOREHERE
Now, if the Kenyan paper got the info this fast, why is US paper lagging in information? Was this man lynched? Did he commit suicide? Why does the Kenyan paper have info that the US papers don’t?
Are we trying to instigate a race war? What?


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