Unions strike and picket to raise minimum wage


-- Quote by Ronald Reagan
Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.

The unions has gassed up these workers demanding a higher wage from entry level fast food industry jobs. 

What is the real problem? 

The real problem is inflation, runaway national debt, NAFTA, treason, corruption, bad foreign policy, and crippling farming regulation... Of course the people in the know don't want to talk about it. The ignorant don't know about it. So what does the unions do? They gas these ignorant workers up and have them fight to help make the corrupt unions more money. The same corrupt unions that backed Barack Obama for president. 

When the real issue(s) that would stem the tide of inflation and/or hyper- inflation is curbing and lowering the national debt. 

-- Quote by Ronald Reagan during his gubernatorial campaign (1965)
Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.

While we are being advised by our ministers, politicians, friends, and economic advisers to get out of debt. 

Notwithstanding we are to believe that the government is above all economic law they can somehow spend their way out of debt. Now what do you think would stem the tide of inflation for the nation? Well your advisers has it right get out of debt, by paying off your debt! The government is no different, our President should not be passing a massive healthcare b(u)ill when the nation has not come out of a clear depression! Yes! I said it, depression, it may not have reached the magnitude of the great depression, hence the adjective great. We are not clear of the economic downfall, we have just risen to the level of recession. We are no longer the robust industrious nation we once were. During which time one didn't have to have a high school diploma in order to support or raise a family. Now you have to practically have a doctorate just to pay student loans back. 

Wake up, AMERICA!

-- Quote by Ronald Reagan
Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. 

American history has shown that war generates wealth and when whites were the majority the spoils of war were shared. One is left to ask himself if war has generated wealth for the country in the past then who is benefiting from the wars of recent? 

Minimum wage is not the problem bad legislation, poor leadership, insatiable greed, and governments partnership with big bank and big business; is economically destroying our nation. We are being carved up and sold to the highest bidder (China). 

-- Quote by Ronald Reagan, First Inaugural Address (January 20, 1981)
Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.

We must balance the budget of our own personal lives and expect nothing different from government, but vote accordingly. We must not look for hand outs from the government but hand ups from one another. We must be industrious in our thinking, pursuits, and solve our own problems. Let's not be so quick to think that government is the answer to our problems. When forced to privatization works; privatization comes up with solution for its own problems. Unions, government, big banks, corrupt, mismanaged religious organizations, and big business rob our communities.

Deflation, deregulation, ending the government bureaucratic fiasco (EPA, NSA, NAFTA, Obamacare, Homeland Security, NDA, and the foreign policies that are bank rolling America) would save the country trillion dollars. The monies saved from the end of these programs would help to save the national debt and curb hyper- inflation which is were we are headed..


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