George Zimmerman Claims He’s Homeless & Suffering From Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (DETAILS)

george zimmerman in court 2013
While most people who have been acquitted of murder try to keep a low profile afterwards, George Zimmerman just can’t seem to stay out of the spotlight.

After being spotted at gun shops, stopped by police multiple times, and criticized for attempting to raise money through a “celebrity boxing match”, Zimmerman is definitely on our radar whether we like it or not.

Most recently – in a new interview with Univision – he’s claiming that he’s homeless and suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Zimmerman also claims that 17-year-old Trayvon Martin threatened to kill him before he shot him dead:
“When he saw my handgun and looked at it and told me that he was going to kill me that night, uh, that was enough of a threat after the way he had attacked me. So, I felt his hand going for my weapon,”
So how exactly is Zimmerman feeling after all of the controversy? He revealed:
“Sad. Very sad. I was afraid it had gone through his clothes and that it was going to go… get lost, and, um, you know, go into a house and – because the young man was still talking to me, as I have said. So I thought that it hadn’t… affected him, and I got worried, and I said, ‘I hope that it hasn’t – that the bullet hasn’t hit a neighbor,’”
Zimmerman also revealed that he receives tons of death threats and has to wear a bullet-proof vest when going out in public.

He revealed he is “totally homeless,” and his family is helping him out “a lot.”
What do you guys think of Zimmerman’s new interview?


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