Report: Hillary Clinton deleted 32,000 'personal' emails


This is a very serious issue! I don't understand how is it that the state department doesn't just get a warrant and seize her server. There are parellel justice systems in this country. One for the people that says ignorance of the law is not excuse for breaking the law. Then there is another justice department the governs the elite. They get away with murder literally. How is there are no laws being made to fix this nor subpoenas being issue to seize her servers? Why is she left to decide what is to be submitted? She made the choice to take work home therefore all of her communications should be fair game. Her server her phones and all communications should be scrutinized. I don't understand she could be committing treason, but she is a juggernaut this STINKS of oligarchy! The Clinton's has a history of impropriety. Any average citizen with a track record like theirs would have been arrested all of their communications seized and the government would have decided what was private and public! THIS STINKS!!!!

This government has turned on the people they are sworn to protect! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unconstitutional laws passed:
Abraham Lincoln:
"If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ... "

John F Kennedy:

"Ask not what your country can do for you... Ask what you can do for your country..."


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