21-Year-Old Georgia Woman Takes College Exam While in Labor at Hospital: 'My Goals Will Not Be Put on Hold'

One determined Georgia student let nothing stop her from finishing an exam – not even going into labor!

"This is what you call 'Strong Priorities.' Contractions three minutes apart and still takes her psychology test! You are going to be a great mom, baby sis!" Shanell Brinkley-Chapman captioned a powerful Facebook photo of Tommitrise Collins sitting in a hospital bed with a laptop in front of her.
The moving photo has amassed more than 15,000 shares.
Collins, 21, was preparing to deliver a baby girl on Nov. 12 at Coliseum Medical Center, but says she had to complete an online exam the same day.
"It took me four to five hours after the opening of the test to try to put the pain to the side and do it so I wouldn't have to do it later and I could enjoy my newborn," Collins told Fox 5 Atlanta.
© Provided by TIME Inc.Collins finished the two-hour exam in about an hour and a half, and after about 20 hours, Collins gave birth to little Tyler Elise, Yahoo Parenting reports.
The Middle Georgia State University student passed the exam, but, unsatisfied with her score, retook it and got a B, she told Fox.
Now, Collins says she's been enjoying every moment of motherhood.
"She is my life now," Collins told Fox of little Tyler. "And the way I look at it is, she will always have me to depend on, so my goals will not be put on hold."
Collins, who has an associate's degree in criminal justice, is expected to graduate from the university with her bachelor's degree in the same field in December 2016, Fox reports.
"I don't want to just barely make it by, I want my child to live comfortably," the 21-year-old told Fox. "And I want to show people that just because I am considered a young mother doesn't mean I have to be considered a bad mother."


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