President Response to the San Bernadino Shootings

The Café: If you disarm Law Abiding Citizens then all the criminals and terrorists has all the guns. It seems that this administration hates our American freedoms!!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!

These are not excons or people of ill repute perpetrating these heinous/ terrorist acts. These are people that would have passed even the most stringent of background checks Mr Farook only indication would have been that he is muslim and his recent travels. He would have passed if islam is the only indicator because of the PC movement we would have been hard pressed to make sure that we did not use that information as a deciding factor.

These are people that want to eliminate Our GOD and his order from our lives. They are not going through the legal channels to acquire these guns. So changing the laws are a mute point. California
has some of the most strict gun control laws in the nation!
Gun control laws only further government intrusions!!!!! You can not control the condition of the heart through legislation!!!!

They would like for us to embrace their god so that they can bring us under their control!!!

"Our GOD says except me, or reject me..." Your choice, I will give you the platform/ freedom to try your own soul/ make your own decision...

Their god said if you are not with me then we will murder you....


Where is the GO PRO Footage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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