The first Girls Scout organization was established in 1912. The United States was segregated, and troops were made-up only with little white girls.However, years  in 1917, the  African-American Girl Scout troop was formed. During this time, Jim Crow laws were very much alive and  and White Girl Scouts were not allowed to integrate. In fact, when the Black girl troops of Savannah, Ga., wanted to go camping they had to drive about two hours to reach the nearest campground that would allow them to camp out.

In 1921, a Native American troop was established, and by the late 1930’s the first southern region African-American Dixie troop was formed. By 1950, 14 years before the Civil Rights Movement, the integration of more scout troops had taken place. Dr. Dorothy B. Ferebee served as the first  Vice President of Girl Scouts USA, and years later, Dr. Gloria Scott would become the first Black President in 1975. Scott was a Texas native and educator with a degree from Indiana University. She was also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.


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