Hillary ordered aide to strip classification markings to get around security protocols

That's a felony, of the 10-years-in-prison variety, and the statute couldn't be clearer.

Hillary Clinton is a felon. There is now no question about that. That doesn't mean she's guaranteed to be charged or even convicted, since you still have to allow for the corruption and politicization of the justice system, unfortunately.
But no serious person can argue she is not guilty of a felony after the e-mail the State Department released (with great reluctance, I'm sure) late last night. In it, she is talking with her then-deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan, who is supposed to be getting her some talking points about something, and she's growing impatient waiting for them. Sullivan explains that whoever has the talking points are trying to send them via secure fax - a sure tip-off that they contain classified information, as that's the only reason you would need to send them that way - and that they're having trouble with this and are working on the problem.
Her reply?
"If they can't, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure."
Here's the entire exchange as released by the State Department:

Game, set, match: Hillary ordered aide to strip classification markings to get around security protocols

Hot Air's Ed Morrissey does a great job of explaining the statute, and TownHall's Guy Benson has a broader look at the issues involved - especially as they connect to corrupt Hillary crony Sid Blumenthal.
The long and short of it is this: By ordering the markings removed on material she knew was classified, for the purpose of having it sent over a non-secure server, Hillary violated "18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information." How big a deal is that? It's a 10-years-in-prison big deal.
If the FBI is playing it straight with its investigation, the only way Hillary skates on this is if the information contained in the talking points contained nothing classified whatsoever. How plausible is that? I would have to say not at all because there'd be no reason to use a secure server if there was no classified information. There would be no need to strip any markings.
And in addition to being a felony, this is also proof that everything Hillary has said about her private e-mail server not containing classified information was a lie, and that she knew it was a lie the entire time.
Now, there's always the chance the Justice Department simply refuses to bring charges because it simply doesn't want to for political reasons, thus giving her a legal escape hatch and giving her loyal servants in the media a way to bury the story. If that happens, conservative media have to really keep the heat on and hold everyone trying to cover this up accountable. Now that this is public, it won't be so simple for them to just stick it in a drawer and do nothing with it, which I'm sure is what they want to do.
And if they try it, the public has to be very aware of the fact that there was evidence plain as day that Hillary committed a felony and that she was permitted to get away with it. This needs to be one of the most widely recognized facts of the 2016 election cycle, no matter how badly the mainstream media tries to squelch it.
We've always considered Hillary a criminal. It's not even controversial now. The only question is whether it will ever become official. Oh, and whether someone we know is a criminal will have the opportunity to be president of the United States. Surely enough of you Obama voters have learned your lesson to prevent that from happening, yes?
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