Maxine Waters accused of three ethics violations

A House report gives more details of its allegations against the Los Angeles Democrat. Her chief of staff and grandson is accused of being 'actively involved' in helping a bank with ties to her husband.

Reporting from Washington —
As Rep. Maxine Waters was warned against interceding on behalf of a bank with ties to her husband, her chief of staff, who is also her grandson, was "actively involved" in working to help the institution, according to a House Ethics Committee report released Monday that accuses the longtime Los Angeles political figure of three ethics violations.
Waters was accused of violating three rules — one that requires its members to "behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House," a second that prohibits lawmakers from using their influence for personal benefit and a third forbidding the dispensing of favors.
The Democratic congresswoman has vowed to fight the charges in a trial before fellow House members, contending that her efforts were in keeping with her longtime work to promote opportunity for minority-owned businesses and lending in underserved communities such as her South Los Angeles district.
The 10-page statement of alleged violations and other documents released Monday provide more details than the findings of the Office of Congressional Ethics made public last week.


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