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Minnesota Congressional Candidate Ilhan Omar Attends Election Night Event In Minneapolis 
 Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020.

After Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election, Over 100 muslims throughout the U.S. decided to run for office to fight against Trump and his policies.  In the 2018 election we seen what some called the “muslim wave,” with more muslim candidates than ever running in the U.S. elections. Many of those candidates won. 
With organizations put together to help muslims run in elections, the number of muslim candidates in the U.S. is soaring.
Some muslim groups are aiming to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in the 2020 election.
A member of CAIR-Arizona’s Board of Directors, Imraan Siddiqi, took to Twitter to suggest that 5,000 muslims should run for office in 2020. Siddiqi, who is a writer and activist who specializes on documenting Islamophobia, tweeted:
We need like 5,000 Muslims to run for office this next cycle to short-circuit the bigots’ power-grid.
This was a perfect test case for what the system is designed to do to Muslim candidates – and Ilhan is bearing the brunt of the entire political system on her shoulders.
We can call it: “Inshallah-palooza 2020.”

Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020

Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020
Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020
Siddiqi’s tweet was retweeted by Jetpac, an organization that seeks to help Muslims win elections at all levels of the Government.
Along with the retweet, Jetpac wrote:
We would love the capacity to do this, and we welcome others to join us in trying
Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020
Jetpac also shared Siddiqi’s tweet on Facebook, writing:
“If you thought 2018 was a landmark year for American Muslim representation you’re going to be amazed by 2020.” — Shaun Kennedy, Executive Director of Jetpac at the 2019 Fellowship Banquet.
See Facebook post below:

Muslim groups aim to get 5,000 muslims to run for office in 2020

B-13 Peer Review

Ronald Reagan started with the dumbing down of America, regulation, trickle down economics. His presidency was the beginning of what we now know as Capitalism or Socialism. The founding fathers didn't intend for us to be Socialist or Capitalists. We are a Democratic nation every man is the master of his own fate. The corporation was a trickle up economic structure. We had a strong middle-class, we didn't have any major drug trade on the streets.

Reaganomics stripped the middle class and their education. We know and understood the good and bad of Communism (Socialism), and Democracy and we chose GOD, and Constitution. We were taught, The Bill Of Rights, Preamble, and Constitution. So we can see where the country is going on. My generation are the parents of the crack babies. Our parents the baby boomers passed this nation to us in tact. We chose all the things that plague this nation knowing better. Now our kids are grown and they have been raised by the system and grandparents. The system is not teaching kids anything and the kids are gullible. The only know what the tv says they were raised by it. 

They are not alarmed by the coming doom they don't even perceive the dangers. They don't want to work nor do they want anything but their basic needs met. All they know is slavery was bad and all the white people of the past did it. Now, they are anti-tradition, the grudge the teachings of their parents (for those that had parents). For that reason they are in deep sh*t and don't even realize it. They hate GOD of the bible, religion, tradition, parental guidance, and structure. They don't understand that the people that are guiding their sensibilities are the very people the profited off of slavery and are trying to make them a permanent underclass. They don't understand the dangers of Socialism what Reagan was supposed to have defeated. They are trucebreakers, men are lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.

Our children are ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. ...And I am sorely grieved. My people are in a very bad state. The are pandering after false gods leaving their first love. I feel because of my own trouble I am in no way able to do anything about it. For those that know the word of prayer fast and pray for us. The seed of Ismael is coming to take our birth right and you will not know that you are not included in their goals until they are there. Then you may have to give your life for liberty.

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