Presumption of guilt until Proven Guilty: The Kalief Browder's Story

The Cafe' [Think Tank]: This mini-docuseries was Executive Produced by Shawn (Jay-Z) Carter and Harvey Weinstein. 

We thought the docu-series is important at this time because nothing's changed. The prison system is a new form of chattel slavery under a new name. The prison system is the plantation, CO's and police are Pattyrollers, the stock holders are slavers, the trusties are house niggers, the more harden inmates are the buckbusters and they order keepers. We need reform! The prison system has to reflect its original intent. It needs to go back into the hands of the government and scarlet letter needs to be removed once a person have paid their debt to society. Unfortunately, Kalief Browder's story is far too common. My son has gone through the same thing and is now fighting his own case. 

Please take a good hard look at the legal issues that plagues this case and let's elect officials that would effect change. 

See the full docu-series on Netflix

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