THE-SUN.COM - Hillary Clinton ready to serve in Biden administration and help ‘fix' America

 THE CAFE' [Think Tank]Here are my thoughts.

vid-decals :: Bumper Stickers :: America's Broken bumper ...

By: WillyBill

This article is a response of the editor to an article above entitled from THE-SUN.COM

Speaking at the 19th Represents Summit on Thursday, Clinton said: 'I’m ready to help in any way I can'

Speaking at the 19th Represents Summit on Thursday, Clinton said: 'I’m ready to help in any way I can'Credit: YouTube/ The 19th
Hillary helped break it!!!! Please people do not be deceived... China has our Stealth bomber patent and other American technology. Now China has more stealth fighters than the U.S. China is killing Christians they are putting Syrian Muslims that fled to China during the Syrian exile into concentration camps, and enslaving them.

China and Russia supports Biden as U.S. President. In order to continue the pilferage, and destruction of America. Moreover, the USSR was not defeated by Reagan they operate in the shadows and communism/socialism has been propagated; moreover they have a hand in all governments decisions.

This is not a bi-partisan issue it is spiritual wickedness in high places. Russia and China are allies do not be deceived they both are invested in the destruction of the U.S. in order to go after Israel.

Clinton sold our technology to china during his administration. Biden wrote and continues to support and defend the mass incarceration bill and the Patriot act signed into law under Bill Clinton thru Obama. They destroyed millions of black families and the ripple effect can be arguably said to be responsible for the genocide and break-down of the black family. How can anyone that is black knowingly support a regime that is hell bent on destroying them? It is beyond me and unconscionable!

Hillary and Obama sold Uranium to Russia which is against International law. This is a dangerous proposition.

"Please America Please open your eyes!!!"

"You have been asleep for far too long!!!"

Reagan started the process of dumbing down America and every president following has contributed to the destruction of America and the black community.

Tell these commies in November that we want to keep the world and our country free!!! We are one nation under Almight GOD!

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