What is going on in America?

 The Cafe' [Think Tank]                          

By: WillyBill

There needs to be a qualified independent watch dog delegation established of/for the people in every state of the union policing laws/bills presented/passed  that must pass the constitutional litmus test. There needs to be a delegation of the IRS established in every state of the union that distributes federal and state funds to all entities holding them accountable for the funds in the interest of the the American people. 

How is it that The U.S. can and does protect other counties from enemies and can not protect our country from domestic enemies?!!!!!!!

There should never be a political party established that is contrary, and/or would seek to change, to reform, or to subvert The Constitution or constitutional law. There should be no political party that would function to subvert, delay, undue, change, or employ/synergize the media, entertainment, social media, or the like in its efforts to overthrow, undue, or penalize a sitting president to the likes of which the American people has as of recent been subjected to. 

There are constitutional norms that are established to handle such grievances that the party should adhere to. There should never be a party that is becomes so enthralled with its own agenda that the American peoples interests gets lost. There shall be no party that gets so vested in its own interests that it becomes unifunctional in their efforts to occlude the current administration ability to function.    

All Administrations has failed The American People for the last 55 years! The economic power of the elites or 1 now 3% started with the implementation of Reagan's, "Trickle down economic theory.

Spies, Traitors, Leaks, Betrayal: America's "Domestic Enemies"

Bernie Sanders's Democratic Socialism  is an enemy of Democracy. There is no such beast! The two forms of governance are diametrically opposed. Democracy strengthens privatization, individualism, free markets, and every man's ability to try his own soul; which is divinely orchestrated. Socialism on the contrary, there is no privatization, there is no individualism, there is state sanctioned atheism. It seems to me that this was a subtle  attempt to subvert our form of government. 

Democratic Socialism


Rudolph W.L. Giuliani - He passed the stop and frisk low in NY. This law flies in the face of the 4th Amendment. This law should never again be enforceable. 

Catherine Pugh - Baltimore redacted Self Defense Laws. Every citizen in these United States should have the unfettered ability to protect their personal property and lives as the constitution dictates. 

Larry Hogan - Maryland Gun Laws impede a law abiding citizens constitutional right to bare arms! You would have to have a good reason according to Maryland to have a gun. If not Nany state feels the 2nd amendment is not for you.

NAMBLA/GLAAD/LGBTQIA political agenda is to normalize perversions, and  hedonistic sexual practices. Including but not limited to pedophilia. They have strong economic power and strong political influence. Moreover, they have political figures as members. California Congresswoman, Rep. Jackie Speier CA (D) wants to federalize a bill passed in California that is marching toward legalized pedophilia

Special Interest Laws These laws a written and sanctioned by business and banks. These laws create multilevel justice system. If a person commits a crime it seems to me that people are people there is no group or individual more important or more significant that another. 

Separation of Church and State the concept is found nowhere in the constitution. The phrase derives from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson (1802) in response to the Dansbury churches letter written to him in 1801. 

Socialism is a system of economics that calls for public ownership and control of property and natural resources. 
Bipartisan Politics Each party should have a candidate presented in the debates and given free air time on PBS to ad. There are more candidate however, the other parties are not given the opportunity to present their case for the American peoples vote.  
Capitalism - Capitalism is the beast that partners government with big banks and big business. Here money form foreign governments, big business, and banks control policy making and law making in the United States. We the people loose. 

Federal Reserve Banking System - The federal reserve banking system is privately held. Contrary to most contemporary teachings, they would tell you that there are 12 banks that set monetary policy established in 1913; and is owned by no one.  Think about it the FRBS is here it sets our monetary policy, prints our currency, and is owned by no one? Not even the people? Don't believe it!

There are 8 families that are out of Europe that owns the Federal Reserve Banking System. They are: 

a. The Goldman Sachs
b. Rockefellers
c. Lehmans 
d. Kuhn Loebs of New York
e. The Rothschilds of Paris and London
f. The Lazards of Paris
g. The Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

h. The Warburgs of Hamburg

Many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe. These are the same that received a bail out for 2008 subprime mortgage, and mortgage back securities fiasco that robbed wall street and initiated the recession. In all actually had we had the right President in office he would have recognize this as a prime opportunity for the U.S. of America to initiate its own central bank owned and controlled by the American people. Instead They toasted while the American people suffered under the watchful eye of the people we employ to protect and defend our interests. Moreover, they caused it. They toasted because the losses were sold. Then they received money from the people they wronged because The People were sold the idea that they were too big to fail. 

The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis


Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation a laundry list of high crimes and misdemeanors that has gone unabashedly unreproved:

 1. The Crimes Bill

2. Patriot Act

3. Benghazi

4. Haiti

5. Whitewater

6. Uranium One

7. Russian Pay-to-Play Schemes

8. Frank Giustra had donated as much as $145 million to the Clinton Foundation just two years before selling his company to Uranium One for $3.7 billion.

9.  Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by the Russian bank Renaissance Capital to give a speech in Moscow. Not so coincidentally, this took place just a few months after Obama signed the “New START” nuclear treaty with Russia, an initiative that was spearheaded by Secretary Clinton. Although the treaty proved to be a disaster that most likely will not be extended, the Clintons did walk away with a significantly fuller bank account.

10. Emails and the Espionage Act

11. Chinagate

12. Travelgate Scandal

13. Pizzagate

14. Filegate Scandal 

15. Cattle-Futures Miracle

16. Lootergate

17. Drug Dealer Donor Scandal

18. Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

19. Monica Lewinski

20. Lost Rose Law Firm billing records

21. Renting Lincoln Bedroom

22. John Huang

23. Charlie Trie

24. Johnny Chung

25. No controlling legal authority Then-Vice President Al Gore repeated the phrase "there is no controlling legal authority" at least seven times during a news conference called to explain his multiple telephone calls from the White House to solicit contributions to the Clinton-Gore re-election campaign in 1996. In fact, the law was and remains clear that partisan campaign contributions cannot be solicited on or using federal property.

26. The Bosnia airport sniper lie

Clinton Embellishes Past (CBS News)

32,104 views * Mar 25, 2008

27. The Clinton Foundation

Bill Clinton's namesake charity has fallen under scrutiny over the past year after the public learned how extensively it accepted foreign donations from corporations and governments with interests before Hillary Clinton's desk at the State Department. A prominent charity watchdog removed the foundation from its registry last year, and the charity was later forced to refile its tax returns after reporters discovered major donations had been omitted. Critics have accused the Clintons of using their philanthropic network to benefit themselves politically and financially.

28. John Robertson -  the man who found Hillary Clinton’s emails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, claims he was advised by bosses to erase his own computer.

29. Anthony Weiner - Details have emerged about 2016’s "October Surprise," during which the FBI found emails belonging to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on disgraced New York Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop, with the FBI official who found the emails revealed for the first time.

There was no end to the depths of depravity the Clintons would dip to achieve their criminal goals with exemption of accountability. 

The Clinton's and their foundation was the most criminal political organization in history. They were guilty of multiple high crimes and misdemeanors and murder without regard for the rule of law and total disregard for the constitution. 

There criminal enterprise has operated from the Clinton Administration to The Obama Administration. 

They could not have pulled off by themselves, I am sure the FBI, the Justice Department, other Democratic and Republican offices were involved. 

The will of the people has been usurped under the dictates of this multinational criminal organization. They operate with impunity I believe they have amassed so much money that they have bought influence and power. So much so that no one affiliated wants to let the good time go. That is why they lost their minds when Donald Trump won the presidency. They were so engrossed with megalomania, power and persuasion  that they could not conceive of the idea that their is a faction of Americans that actually think for themselves.  

Hillary blamed everyone for the failures of her bid for president except herself. She really believed that she has deceived everyone but we were on to you Hillary that is why you didn't win.

So, Where do we go from here?

- I believe the American people need to get back to GOD; first and foremost. (2nd Chronicles 7:14)

- Abolish the Federal Reserve establish an American owned and operated central bank. 

- Have free and all inclusive elections free ads on PBS for all candidates.

- Clintons and all involved in their crime syndicate arrested, charged, and jailed with no limits. I happen to believe that their are more involved than we can imagine. 

- The Crimes Bill, The Patriot Act, The Unconstitutional Obamacare rescinded, and untie the restrains from the 2nd amendment nationally.

- Disband trickle down economics and institute bottom up economics.

- Abolish capitalism as the economic system. 

- Shrink the government and it's reach into our personal lives. 

- Secured the borders.

- Abolish your special interest laws.

- Permanently  anchor the constitution as the law of the land! Any attempt overthrow, usurp, manipulate, or any of the sort will be prosecutorial. 

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