America Under Siege

no one is talking about is that El Chapo Guzman paid Hillary Clinton's campaign $65 mil for access. Biden is paying it forward. My question is why is congress not seeing this as a problem and doing something about it.

Why isn't Biden being arrested or at the very minimum called to answer for his border policies? Why is congress not putting stay on his executive order concerning the border for several reason that are becoming painfully to Americans: Rise in Drug trafficking/ Rise in human-trafficking/ Rise is Drug overdoses/ Rise in COVID - 19 cases/ the censorship/ the deleting of incriminating information against the Democratic party by google, youtube, facebook, and twitter/ Democrats have a new plan to legalize marijuana federally
/ defunding police etc... Meanwhile many ATG offices are no longer prosecuting low level drug crimes, prostitution. Moreover; indoctrinating our children teaching black as a permanent underclass and America as inherently racist.

When you put it all together notwithstanding all of this is coming from one party (Democrats) it seem that the US is under occupation in high places down to the voter.

For some reason I feel like I am the only person putting it all together. Everyone else seems to be blind to connecting the dots. If we don't do something as a people we are going to look like Cuba.

Everyone is interested in the information and less interested in the policies and how they effect the people they are intended to serve. I AM SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW.... No one sees the treason coming from the White house and the house and some republicans?!!!


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