The Cafe' [Think Tank] - My thoughts on COVID Vaccinations

The Cafe' [Think Tank]

The vaccine companies have immunity from civil and criminal liability from the reverberations of the inefficacy of it's vaccine. The American government has been derelict in it's duty to protect our republic and it's people from enemies both foreign and domestic. The evidence is very clear in this "COVID PANDEMIC." Our government has been impotent too, in holding elected officials that promote regime change (Socialism) accountable and futile to protect our democracy from a hostile take over.

There were over 37,000 reported COVID infections of people that have received the vaccine. 1170 deaths after vaccination in the U.S. alone. Norway has had 29 deaths from the Pfizer vaccination. Germany has had 9 deaths, and the UK has had 69 deaths and 5089 new infections after vaccination. There is no incentive for big pharma to make the vaccine safe.

I am under the persuasion that more people in the US has died or have been permanently injured from the vaccine; However, mainstream media and big tech keeps pulling down such reports.

I do not believe the government or any other entity should impose, compel, or coerce the public at large to take any medications for any reason. Moreover, if 1 person dies from the vaccine all immunities should be rescinded and the companies should have to insure the efficacy of medications for emergency use with the exception of life or death with the approval of effected patient or family.

Editor: Willy Bill

Quote: Abraham Lincoln

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their Constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.”


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