Ingraham: New Yorkers react to Canadian trucker convoy


The Cafe' University [Think Tank]: Notes from the Editor

Can we get common sense, sanity, and rule of law and order back in the sacred institutions we rely on?!!!!!!!

Lawyers don't know law; Judges rule on a bipartisan platform fueled with emotion predicated on payment. We have people in prison for nothing more than social engineered emotionally fueled rhetoric. Were are we headed! Who is going to stop this madness?!!!!

We are under vaccine mandates that don't work; Fear mongering on a virus that is admittedly no more than a common cold; We are mandated to masks that by all medical advise don't work; and no one seems bothered. Employers are now the medical police even though the supreme court struck down the mandates.



It is more like the twilight zone!

Media seems to want to die with the lie!!!! None of the news outlets give far and balanced reporting and media has seemed to have picked a side. They have been reduced to entertainment mediums by George W Bush so politicians can ignore them. The Associated press is dead!

Hospitals, during the COVID - 19 pandemic has killed people; and won't admit to their mistakes. Meanwhile, fringe mainstream practitioners tried to warn conventional practitioner tried to warn hostitals, CDC, and FDA. They were shut down at every turn! Americans did not have to DIE!

All of our sacred institutions have been infiltrated by a Nazi war criminal whom the US has been and still is looking for, however; the media gives him coverage as if he is the philanthropist of the century. His money is being used to break America economically, socially, and it's global dominance.

He is using his wealth to undermine the rule of law and everyone seems to be blinded by greed!! Media, politicians, and all Law enforcement is in George Soros's pocket. However, they are concentrating all efforts on weather the American public get a jab were it is proven to not be effective nor needed.

The American publics common sense has been highjacked by fear mongering....

We are in deep sh*t; this president is marching to war to protect the border of another country while flying illegals into our country not vetting them and we have no idea who they are nor if they are enemies or not. None of this makes any sense on a juvenile level. No law enforcement agency that are sworn an oath to protect the American public is even twitching towards stopping this madness. The people are not even remotely interested in demanding it be stopped!

May GOD help us ALL!


If you have inside information on any political topic, celebrity gossip, or just want to share a subject matter you have expertise in please contact us we want to hear from you.

We are launching a podcast to discuss these matters stay tuned.



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