The Fallout From Whoopi Goldberg's Two Week Suspension From ABC's 'The View'

Video and Author can be found at:#MVOTVPodcast #whoopigoldberg 

Click on Watch on Youtube to see video above.  

The Cafe' University: I respect your point of view (No pun intended) and it is very well spoken and very well presented. Your cultural assimilation here is well noted. I would just like to expound on something you said because it sound like my direct comments that are not immature just my opinion.

A lot of people follow my Facebook group ( however they won't comment. I digress; Nonetheless, The View, as one of the founders said it is a forum where they should feel free to express their Ideas. Moreover, as the founder said "we got your back." Co-founder intent is what the show should be about. It seems to me that direction to the contrary is a set up. To espouse the idea of free thought as a platform, then make certain people from a certain demographic off limits is a bit hypocritical and disingenuous. (Entrapment)

I am so sure that the intent as Barbara and Bill purposed is now forever lost. (They pushed them out according to you.) Now in America ideas, thoughts, and belief are grounds for debate and it sparks critical thinking, and GOD knows we need more of that in the public arena, it helps to challenge the status quo. (which now has gone rogue because it is not challenged)

Nothing that Whoopi said in my opinion warrants what happened. According to science the notion of race is fanciful at best and has no basis in scientific fact. (Which proves my point.) At best it is social engineering and needs to be challenged. #mansinhumanitytoman You being a black woman should understand that. Historically you are on the wrong side of this issue, in my mature opinion.

Now the American thing to do is just turn your channel if you don't agree. Moreover, today in this information culture there are platforms that would give you the opportunity to express your opinion. ( As you can see I practice what I preach) In my humble opinion based on the purpose of the show as per Bill so eloquently put it ( According to what you read) a more honest approach would have been to invited someone of the opposite opinion to present their case. We all would have been better for it.

This nanny, cancel culture is un-American and should not be tolerated, because it doesn't yield to detractors the freedom of thought in the public forum; in my opinion. The, "because I said it therefore it is so," should never fly in any forum.

Question everything! Moreover, how do we know that the German war was not built on a lies? They made sure Hitler an Ashkenazi Jew would never tell his story... Moreover; the true holocaust that was based on the fanciful notion of race happened right here in America!


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