The Youth Of America and the Democrats/ Republican - Media (The Symbiotic Relationship)

 I am persuaded that the U.S. Government, big business, NAMBLA(LBTQIA), CRT, shadow government, Fisa courts,  are all fighting for the control of your children. 

They understand the importance of children being the future. They started destroying the family by investing in the CIA's drug pandemic under George H.W. Bush's introduction of Crack rock. Moreover, the 1953 CIA's MKUltra program. They are in the business of making money off of redefining family. This is the true Democratic idea of the Makings of a slave. In the black community before the mid 80's families by in large were intact. The parents were in control of the school system and parents were very involved nothing got passed them. The black communities worked together beyond their differences to protect their collective interest. They fought against enemies both foreign and domestic to the respective community. The government would try to step into the black communities only to be run out at gun point. Black panthers, Muslims, Christians and Ashkenazi Jews worked together to keep illicit drugs and illegal guns out of their community. Moreover, they were far more effective then the government. 

They understood the importance of family ( Father, Mother, & Children). Juxtapose that with the modern parenting and the redefining of the family. Now, the people look to the government for answers and not themselves or GOD. The government has never fixed anything; anything it touches just gets worst and they figure out how to make money off of the subjugating of your trust. 

In case no one notices the Democrats and some Republicans create the problems and act like your knight in shining armor. Here to rescue only to make empty promises and requiring more money that never makes it to what they requested said monies for. Money disappears and matters continue to get worst. It is a game as old as America. Yet over 4 years the American people recycle the same politicians that are only in for what they can get pushing policies of demons. The people suffer yet go back for more never thinking outside the box. Never, looking at the patterns and saying wait a minute we keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. 

Meanwhile the politicians get richer and use the money that is intended for the problem they created from the get go to pour into their own pockets and the pockets of their families. 

Brandon Scott demanded the defunding of the police to be put into programs to curve the violence in Baltimore. Brandon, got $641 mil from the American Rescue Plan $50 mil he pledged to Violence prevention over 3 years; he invested $22 mil for his program Operation Safe Streets. However, there is no civilian review board to oversee the program nor is there any accountability, transparency, on his part. No one is pressing him to give account. At a time when interest rates are high, gas, food, rent, and taxes; you would think the people would start asking hard questions but they are not. 

President George W Bush  (During his Fake war where Barack Obama took out all the players so we will never know the facts) Seal team 6 dead; and all of the foreign leaders dead! Bush, garnered sweeping powers and with that he took control of the school system. (No Child left behind) The Christian right was so mesmerized by him they didn't even see that the school board was their responsibility. Now we have Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts ghost kids and kids passed along with a 0.8 gpa. They did not see that the federal government couldn't even handle the "throw away kids" in their care. They did not see that the, "Destruction of the Black family" (CIA program) is in effect? They are snake charmed by the democratic party to expect everything from government and get nothing!  

The Federally mandated Destruction of the Black family as an extension of social policy it was a program developed by the FBI that was created by the democratic/republican southern slave holders those people that lost the Civil war. If that wasn't good enough they launch a program called COINTELPRO that would deconstruct the "Civil Rights Movement" (LBJ - I will give them niggers their civil rights; and they will vote democrat for the next 200 years! he proclaimed to George Wallace then governor of Georgia). 

This is why the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson is a bone of contention and a slap in the face of Civil rights. Ketanji will only extend those right's to the LBTQIA community. That is her job, just because she is black doesn't mean that this nomination and begrudging nomination is a win for black people! Moreover, it is not the advancement of a Constitutional America as a mater-of-fact it is to the contrary. This is a woman ironically that can not, in certain contexts define "Woman." That speaks volumes about her agenda a purpose, replacing black with gay as benefactors of civil rights. 

Black people are so again naively following the selected KKK in black face negros they rally behind this nomination. (J. Edgar Hoover - "There will be another black messiah; unless we create him.") J. Edgar Hoover was talking about black history from Moses, to JESUS, to The black panthers; to Malcolm X, and finally to Martin Luther King Jr. ...And they have succeeded from Roland Martin, to Al Sharpton, to Jesse Jackson, to Cornell West, to Michael Eric Dyson, to Marc Lamont Hill, to Oprah, to Ketanji Brown Jackson etc. 

Biden is actually, blatantly breaking several Civil rights laws to get her into the Supreme Court and none of the law makers are prioritizing the illegality of this nomination. It violates law on several levels of reverse sexism and racism. (EEOC & The Civil Rights Act of 1964) We have a dumb down legal system making decision for a dumb down American public! Americans are in a peaceful, somber, dispirited, unobtrusive, lethargic, dimwitted, imbecilic, peril. (Amazing aware but can not find the time, proficiency, fortitude, drive, initiative, nor the desire or passion to care!)

There are sparks of resistance across the nation. However, that resistance amounts to a lone voice in the wilderness. 

Mr and Mrs Jovani Patterson

Baltimore's Education System and political landscape would be well serviced for the people of Baltimore to rally behind the Pattersons' and the Fredrick Douglas Institute. They are reaching out to the people they are among the people and the are what America is all about! #WakeUpAmerica #WakeUpBaltimore #WakeUpBlackAmerica

It is my contention that Baltimore should take their vote very seriously, in particular Black America, because someone does and their decisions are not always in your best interest. Additionally, know the issues, know the candidates, and vote accordingly. For starters in my opinion Baltimore should plead with the Patterson's to serve; Moreover, Baltimore should militantly get behind the two and the Fredrick Douglas Foundation. 

I propose that Baltimore elect Mr Patterson for City Council President; and Mrs Patterson for School Board Chair. 

Too often I have watched as school board member ignore and shut down the Baltimore public and continue business as usual. A/P is shut out of the process! These collectivist needs to be dismembered. Trump remanded to school board back to the states across the country. I say he didn't go far enough the school board need to be remanded to the people. Office members need to be put to vote based on results with 2 year term limits.  Just to through it out there I do not believe school choice is a good idea. I think all schools should offer ever improving schools always raising the bar where ever they may be. 

The people of Baltimore; additionally the people of America have taken their eyes off of the prize. I say they need to get back in the game; get back to GOD and focus on the family unite based on the ties that bind. America would be better served for it. 

American's can't seem to seize the opportunity presented; if it slapped them in the face. They don't consider making lemonade when they get lemons. They just complain about the lemons and demand that politicians make lemonade for them.

 They don't respond to bad government policy as a reason for dispute; they respond to emotionally driven choreographed dissention economically fueled by oligarchs. Oligarchs that created the predicament in the first place often funding both sides of the issue. It seems that the people that means America harm has the fortitude, drive, persistence, coercion, cohesion, and the compulsion to see their illegal agenda through. They get it through even though the law prohibits there schemes which is frustrating and perplexing for me because it was the Supreme Court Decision in the case of Marbury vs Madison 5 US (2 Crunch) 137, 174, 176 1803 year of our LORD; Where it was decided that: It is impossible for a law that violates the Constitution to be valid! Therefore, All laws that are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. 

Now what concerns me the most is that these people that pay others to enforce their agenda without congressional scrutiny are acting as enemies of the state. They are the least bit concerned about what type of America, if they succeed with they pass on to their children. Case and point lets look into COVID... 

The Supreme Court Decision: 

Biden's response:

Now if the Supreme Court has said that OSHA does not have the authority; How is it that Biden pushes forward asking private companies to refuse to hire people that didn't take the vaccine? If OSHA didn't have the authority based on the Supreme courts decision and the HIPPA laws private companies would not have the authority as well? This is an outrage and our legal system is made a mockery of. What is not taken into account: 

However, I listened to these doctors and took my healthcare into my own hands as I have since my college years. These doctors said that people did not have to die! Hospitals where not properly treating the virus nor were they prescribing prevention methods.

I wrote down their prevention prevention method, one day my good friend called me and announced that he had COVID. I asked him to come get me, he said he had to quarantine for 10 days. I said I know come get me. He said are you sure man? I said absolutely, he said ok. My good friend came to get me. I asked him to roll up all window. He said alright man I hope you know what you are doing. You see he know that I have high blood pressure and that I was according to Dr Fauci highly susceptible to COVID. 

We drove to DC, I live in Baltimore, I had to pick up some things from the city. 

The next morning I felt like a train had hit me. My good friend and contractor called me early in the morning he asked how do you fell man. I told him all of my symptoms. He yelled you have COVID man! He startled me so much; I got up showered, and got dressed. I grabbed the list of vitamins and drugs that the doctors above prescribed. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were mostly over the counter. I took the vitamins just after leaving the store. I came home and things seem to get worst. I locked up in my room for the rest of the day then the next. However, on the second day when I awoke I noticed that the body aches the head spinning the mental fog the labored breathing the coughing sneezing the headaches were all gone. The only thing that was left was my sense of taste had not returned. However, one weeks after the initial symptoms my since of taste had returned. I have not had as much as a common cold since and two winters has past. I continued taking the cocktail of vitamins and some oils and herbs until current. 

My initial thoughts and suspicions were only confirmed with I saw this: 

This Doctor hasn't lost one patient to COVID she is suing Houston Medical. 

It was the actions of Houston Medical that gave me pause. Why were they fighting so hard and how do they get authority over an single patients will. How would the courts entertain the Hospital's position. They have absolutely no legal standing when it comes to doctor patient choice. A person has the right to die but not to make their own decision about care?!!!!! What in the hell is going on here?!!! This flies in the face of HIPPA. 
Moreover, I wanted to know who was this Dr Fauci and were was the Surgeon General who as far back as I remember he was the one that should have been handling this public health crisis. I never trusted Dr Fauci based on the science that I knew; nothing he said made sense with the scientific facts surrounding immunology and treatment. So I chose to wait and not knee jerk respond and boy am I ever so glad I did.

I don't know what was in the vaccine but I do know that the things that Dr. Fauci was saying made absolutely no logical. nor scientific plausibility. When Dr Fauci came on tv and said that the vaccine can give some people superpowers. I was absolutely not going to take that vaccine. 

                           Full News Conference: River Oaks Doctor suspended from Houston Methodist over differing of opinion on COVID - 19. Inspite of proven results.

The vaccine until today has not gone through normal FDA channels to get approval and I was not going to be a lab rat. The fact that the Biden administration ignored the doctors that was put together under the Trump administration by the WHO to study this virus; reminded me of how they handled the AIDS epidemic. In the year 2000 Nigerian Dr Jeremiah Ojonemi found a vaccine for cure for AIDS. He was so excited he wanted to get that vaccine to the U.S. to stop death. The U.S. swarmed in to all of his research shut him down. Guess who what involved with that as well? Dr. Fauci and he was hailed as a hero all warnings about is mishandling of the AIDS epidemic were ignored by the mainstream media; again people died. 

The AMA totally demonized these people; they did not even vet their claims. At a time were people were dying; hospitals were full and all hands were on deck trying to figure this out. The Biden administration didn't prioritize the lives of we the people; whom they work for. They let people die! They automatically launched a smear campaign I thought they were hiding something.

Most importantly Trump under his administration caught COVID he followed his own advice. Never taking the vaccine and like me he recovered in 3 days. I knew I was on the right track. 

We the people need to take responsibility for our lives, communities, children, and adhere to the traditions of our forefathers, and more importantly our founding father as they intended for our country. Let's once again become a Christian Nation! 

Follow our podcast at youtube: The Cafe' University [Think Tank]
Y'all don't hear me though; This is

- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. 


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