Well it looks like the Doctors & Anti Vaccers are right according to reports!

(Google keeps deleting my content I will find another outlet that is not censured! Stay tuned I have been with blog spot for well over 12 years and this has never happened before! I have had video and pictures deleted but never my full content!)

These doctors were correct the number of Americans did not have to die! The hospitals were death camps! In my opinion the hospitals were killing people mainly black people they were, Organ Harvesting because as quiet as it is kept black people body parts and organs go for a premium on the black market! (I will do a separate blog on that all together) That is why the democrats are not interested in even addressing the genocide in all the major Democrat run cities accross the country! They started it and they are invested in continuing it! Steve McQueen was trying to tell you! It hit the consciousness of blacks and fizzed out and back to business! (Enough about that I will do a separate blog on that!)

China does much of the same (Organ Harvesting) it is big business! 

I believe China is run and controlled by the U.S.! If there is anything I have learned if I have learned nothing in the U.S. the oligarchs are crafty and they think 20, 30, and 40+ years out! A concept that is demonic and other peoples are not programmed to do! I believe the planning for the downfall of America started at the American Civil War began April 12, 1861 ended May 9, 1865 Union Victory in Battle however, the war was far from over! The Confederates are invested in the long game and in order to accomplish their goals they needed the negros on their side! (I will do a separate blog into that through line as it actually unfolded)

Now, COVID was about organ harvesting and back pay to the democratic socialists loss of 4 years according to their plans; in my humble opinion! Their problem is they didn't take Trump's bid for the presidency seriously. They thought the power of the media would destroy any possibilities! They were wrong! 

I was a truck driver from 2011-2013 and I would hear on Christian radio about the digging under Denver Airport! The media passed it as conspiracy theory; however, I drove pass the Denver Airport and I saw it first hand! It looked very odd to see this construction going on at a then thriving Airport. 

I saw military convoys carrying stacks and stacks of plastic coffins on 18 wheeler flatbeds! I am watching this as I am hearing of it on Christian radio and mainstream media was again calling it all conspiracy theory! I took pictures of this all however, I could not retrieve the pictures from my phone because of it's age! 

I am going to go off subject but bear along with me! President Woodrow Wilson a member of the Democratic Party put our currency into the hands of the Federal Reserve Company is British owned and run by the Rothchilds, Rockerfellers, and the Morgans! Andrew Jackson had freed America from economic rule only to have Woodrow Wilson establish economic rule in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913! Which I believe was the beginning of what we see today in the downfall of America! I believer these people are crafty and they plan 30, 40, 50+ years ahead as they improvise along the way! (I will expose these misdeeds that lead up to COVID by era in a separate blog)

Now in 2014, Barack Obama, Dr Anthony Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates all met with Dr Nancy Sullivan at the NIH.

It was after this visit that Obama gave a speech proving that this was just a photo op in order to get  $6.18 Billion from Congress to fight ebola in Africa! However, this money we know did much more than that $3.7 Million to upwards of $45 Million was given to Wuhan Lab for gain of function research. Research that is arguably the origin of COVID - 19. 

It is my contention that this was all planned, crafted, and choreographed by the people behind the Democratic party! I don't think they leave nothing to chance, even their futile attempts they uses to their advantage and their quest for power and control! 

In my opinion Ronald Regan was the president that started us on this economic trajectory! He flipped the corporate structure from being employee owned and operated to a all economic consuming top down structure. People that had worked hard all their live to build for their families lost and they were killing themselves in droves. Their wealth was taken from them and given to people they didn't even know! WOW! Black American's laughed and adjusted to a new low. White American's knew very well what happened and they could not bear to think of a life were someone else owns them essentially. America's middle class shrank and all but disappeared! 

Regan stripped Education and introduced Trickle down economics into every sector of America's most sacred businesses and institutions! He gave economic control to people that were enemies both foreign and domestic to America and it's values. 

The new elites wasted no time they went after the black middle class and rallied up Margaret Sangers eugenics! 

Unusually high numbers of deaths reported by insurance companies. 




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