Black Wallstreet is Alive but dying!


Have you been told of the Tulsa Oklahoma Massacre? How  Black Wallstreet was destroyed and 300 blacks folks killed!

We were told Black WallStreet was over and no longer existed!

Well think again!

There were over 50 black towns that survived the Tulsa, Ok riots unknown to the rest of America and the world; Moreover not included American History! 

The 50 black towns are now down to 13 and dying! 

All of the youth are leaving for better jobs, education, and opportunity!

Black People What are we going to do!

Tulsa, Oklahoma 1903 - Insurance map sheet showing an area of Tulsa in Creek Nation, Indian Territory, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.

Primary view of object titled 'Tulsa, 1903'.

All- Black Towns In Oklahoma

We need to remove our  thinking from the oligarchs! We need to stop looking to the politicians to solve our problems! We need to turn to the GOD who loves us the most! (2 Chron 7:14)!

The politicians can't save you! The politicians hate you; even the ones that look like you! (John 15:18-21)

You are not your own you were bought with a price! (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Have you not learned from your pass, present, and future! 
San Francisco "killer police robots" plan put on hold Who do you think that those killer robots are for? They sure are not for Silicon Valley! Now this is on the hills of Democrats calling for defunding the police for killing black people disproportionately.                                                                                                                 
THEY HATE YOU! IF THEY CAN'T USE YOU THEY WILL DESTROY YOU!                                                                                                                                                                                                                
They seek to destroy you! It is not all white folk it is the ones that pretend to be your friend! They invite you into their secret places and lower you to their false gods! They make you feel special and welcome and a part of something only to monitor and control you! They intend to use you to control the people that look like you! They want you to convince them that they are your friend. 
Then they do this:
When they can't beat you they join you ( Desegragation) and do this!      
The Overlooked Stories of America's Black Wall Streets | The History You Didn't Learn | TIME
They refuse to compensate you for 400 years of murder, rape, sodomy, kidnapping, sex-trafficking, cruel and unusual punishment, (Punishment that was fruit of the poisonous tree!) mental conditioning, mental cruelty, false imprisonment, violation of civil rights, human rights abuses, and much much more! Let's see what the president you elected has to say about reparations?
They sell the organs of your people on the black market once you kill them in every major Democratic City in the union! Your organs go for a premium on the black market! Your Y Chromosomes has 240,000 differing variations meaning you are the only people that has a genetic make up which includes a nationalities and tongue. No other race has the chromosonal amalgimation that you do oh black man!                                                                                                                                                                                                          
In laymans terms it is genetically proven that you are the original man; and that everyone comes from you! That is why since 2000 year of our LORD; white people want sexual intergration you can pass that on to them! 
You become obsolete!                                                                                                                                                                               
I would venture to say that black organs are on the stock market! In some fashion; I believe that Jordan Peele was trying to tell you that in the movie, Get Out

The thing that baffles me is that they have sedistically stollen everything from you even your blood in order to legitimize themselves! They have trapped you into this mental slavery were you see each other as your enemy! They are invested in genocide, homocide, and abortion of black people! Once you kill your own or your own are killed by them like at hospitals during COVID. They collect the organs and make money! Everyone was awaken by "Get Out" but only for a spark then we were back to business for these demonic bleeding heart liberals! 


"If you collect 100 black ants and 100 fire ants and put them in a glass jar nothing will happen. But if you take the jar, shake it violently and leave it on the table, the ants will start killing each other.

Reds believe that black is the enemy, while black believes that red is the enemy, when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.

 The same is true in society.

Men vs Women; Black vs Black; Black vs White; Faith vs Science: Youngs vs Old etc...

Before we fight each other, we must ask ourselves: Who rocked the jar? "

- David Attenborough

They set a table prepared for you introducing you to their demonic gods, you go believing that all is well until it is not and by then it is too late! (i.e. Beyonce, Kanye, Kyrie, Jay-Z, Whitney, Prince, Michael, Bill Cosby, Ron (my old business partner) Bonicha (my ex-lady friend) etc.) We have easy access to these demonic organizations like the Mason's, Penticostal's, Baptists, Ashkenazi's, Catholics, Scientology, etc. I know I will upset many of you but this is not what GOD intended for you! Walk away all denominations durives from Catholicism! After loosing the reformation they started denomination in order to gain back control of the church! They are polytheists!  

Moreover, we have easier access to the GOD of our father, Abraham (John 3:16) 

Woe unto you black man is you do not get back to the one that loves you most! 

You are no match for the demonic power that controls this world but you know someone who is and HE loves you and wants to use you! 

But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through HIM who loved us.
- Romans 8:37

Almighty GOD has preserved Black Wallstreet that we thought was destroyed for us. This is an amazing testimony to the relationship between a people and their GOD!

Come on Hebrew/Jew America let's get back to GOD and resurrect our Cities! 

Today, only thirteen historical All-Black towns still survived, but their legacy of economic and political freedom is well remembered. Yet not widely known. Towns still surviving today are: 

Circa 1903 - Current

- Boley (Population 951)
- Brooksville (Population 71)
- Clearview (Population 36)
- Grayson (Population 132)
- Langston (Population 1744)
- Lima (Population 66)
- Red Bird (Population 89)
- Rentiesville (Population 104)
- Summit (Population 106)
- Taft (Population 174)
- Tatums (Population 116)
- Tullahassee (Population 91)
- and, Vernon. (Population 37)

Follow our podcast at youtube: The Cafe' University [Think Tank]

Y'all don't hear me though;

This is
- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us.


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