Beware of the native son!

By: WillyBill

To add insult to injury America sends a product of one of the initial crimes ( Lloyd J Austin 3rd former Secretary of defense) of Mid-Atlantic slave trade to negotiate with the content. When America has committed some of the most heinous atrocities against the content. Putting puppet leaders in place instead of allowing free and fair elections kind of like they did in 2029 in America.

When someone has wronged you, you would like that person to come and plead your pardon; not someone that represents the initial transgression; especially someone that embodies your remote initial shrewd intent!!
You send the son of the mid-Atlantic slave trade! For me it adds insult to injury! You are so caught up into your own avarice that you don't consider the optics!

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Y'all don't hear me though;

This is
- WillyBill,

...And I'm out!




I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

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