Ben Carson For President 2016: Help me tell my story‏

Ben Carson: Carson America, Inc.

Greetings, The Cafe' [Think Tank]

Not being a career politician, I know that before the American people will consider my solutions for fixing our nation, they will first ask a a simple question – who is Ben Carson?

To help answer that question, I’ve published a new, easy-to-read short book on my life, simply called My Life. It is based upon my best seller Gifted Hands.

I would very much like to send you a copy to read, and share with your friends and family.
If you would be generous enough to make a donation of $25 or more right now, my campaign will send you a copy.

At its core, my story is an American story. Growing up on the poorest of streets in Detroit with bad grades and a horrible temper, even I gave up on myself for a time.

But the determination of a loving mother who refused to give up on me convinced me I could do anything. I have lived the American Dream.

I’m running for President because we must again be a country where every single American has the opportunity to think big, to pursue happiness, and to reach their full, God-given potential.

With the release of My Life, I hope to help to share my story and show that by working together, we can restore the promise of America.

I hope you will support me in this effort by making a donation of $25 or more right now so you can receive your exclusive copy of My Life.

Thank you, and God Bless America.

Ben Carson
Ben Carson

Carson America, Inc | P.O. Box 26261 |  Alexandria, VA 22313


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