In Chicago’s densest concealed-carry neighborhoods, minorities hold the most permits

gun and camouflage bag
“The gangs have their guns; we want ours, too.”
That sentiment, voiced by Otis McDonald — the plaintiff in the lawsuit that reversed Chicago’s ban on handguns — is now echoed in a new analysis of data revealing where holders of concealed-carry permits in the city are most densely concentrated.

The Chicago Sun-Times studied the occurrence of CC permits within each of Illinois’ ZIP codes, and found that the heaviest concentration of permitted gun owners resided in some of the Chicago’s most racially diverse neighborhoods.

“Chicago’s highest concentration of permits is in the 60617 ZIP code — in the East Side neighborhood on the city’s Southeast Side — with 538 permits,” The Times found. “According to the census, about 55 percent of the residents in 60617 are black, 34 percent are Hispanic and 7 percent white.”

That finding appears to confirm what McDonald (who died last year at age 80) had been saying all along.

“This is what Otis McDonald was telling us before he passed away,” NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde told the Times. “People in his neighborhood and others were hungry for this but were denied by the political class.”


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