Protect All Human Life – Defund “Planned Parenthood”!‏

Protect All Human Life - Defund "Planned  Parenthood"!

Protect All Human Life - Defund "Planned Parenthood"!

The recent undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood official negotiating for the sale of the organs of aborted babies has caused a firestorm of outrage. But both political parties will use this scandal for political gain. Ron Paul remembers from Congress the bipartisan deal allowing US funding of abortions worldwide. And if "black lives matter" …

Central Banking Is the Great Evil of Our Time

This week the Mises Institute holds its annual summer economics program for college students. The Liberty Report checks in with Mises Institute president Jeff Deist about the Institute and the importance of educating the next generation of free market economists.
Ron Paul: Switzerland Stays at Home While America Looks for  “Monsters to Destroy”

Ron Paul: Switzerland Stays at Home While America Looks for “Monsters to Destroy”

In an extensive interview with host Eric Dubin on Liberty Rising Radio, Ron Paul says that people seeking to advance peace can learn much from looking to Switzerland. He states that he likes Switzerland’s “very successful national defense,” and adds “there is no reason that we can’t use that as …


"Both Iran and Cuba have nothing to do with peace etc. They are both stop gaps at keeping Russia out of those areas, militarily, and commercially. Everyone knows that an agreement made with the USA Zionists is false and empty. Next they will try to make contact with Venezuela to keep Russia and China outside of Venezuela. Obama doesn't do anything because he is intelligent, or humanistic, or correct. Everything has a practical applicable useful reason behind it, and when they change their mind they can go to war about it overnight." - RW
"Since the inhumane acts of Planned Parenthood have surfaced, I have vowed to defeat and defund this taxpayer-funded organization. I am more appalled than ever by Planned Parenthood's complete disregard for the sanctity of human life. Today, I implemented Rule 14 and fast-tracked legislation to strip every dollar of Planned Parenthood funding. I will continue to lead this charge in defense of the unborn." - Sen. Rand Paul
"For a lifetime I have followed your efforts and those of other patriots like Martin Sabo. Today, I ask that you extend your hand to Bernie and pronounce your commitment to a better union. Today, I ask you to shake things up. Today, I ask you to run as Bernies Vice President! I beg of you to consider our last chance at economic revolution and an end to the tyranny that has plagued our people. I ask you, Ron Paul, to declare for one last time, your independence from the 'interests that have undermined our humanity'." - Shawn
These are just a handful of the numerous comments we received over the past few days. If you'd like your feedback to be included in the next newsletter, simply reply and send your message. Unless given explicit permission we will not publish your name.

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