What is going on in America! ( The People vs George Zimmerman)

Something is definitely wrong here!

The prosecuting attorney has an obligation to prep his witnesses before putting them on the stand. The Prosecutor is allowing the defense attorney to badger the witness. Not only that he never objected to leading the witness. This is WRONG! SOMETHING IS DESPERATELY WRONG!!! Prosecutors get paid to give, "The People," answers and as a result they are bull dogs and relentless at getting convictions. Here the prosecutor seems to be asleep! He let this witness get on the stand without prepping her for the defense? 

Furthermore, she gave in too easy to the admission of perjury. What is going on here this is an outrage. I would move for a continuance and investigate to see if witness tampering can be proven. Something's not right yall>>>

You don't put a witness on the stand as unstable as this women is.... And she is the prosecution's star witness?!!! When we have all of the eyewitness accounts given over the phone to the operator. Something is not right!

The fact that she didn't go to the funeral and lied about it says that she was possibly threatened. The prosecutor should be yelling objection and requesting a recess...

Because this is damaging new admission from his star witness which is pivotal to the case!

It seems that she was paid off or threatened...

Clearly something went awry here...  Just because Trayvon Martin says creepy cracker doesn't mean that George Zimmerman getting out of the car after being advised not to sets the stage for justified homicide.

The fact that we now know that George was advised by a competent authority to stand his ground in his car in my mind give the defense no case. Even if Travyon Martin was this drugged out, violent, racist, 17 year old kid that was leaving home to go to the store to get some, Skiddles! should be approached by a racist, hispanic, that wanted to be a 
cop but settled for neighborhood watch, I am being a little tongue and cheek here but you get the point.

No matter how you slice it and no matter what Trayvon did or didn't do, say or didn't say we can clearly see that something when very wrong here and it started with George Zimmerman disobeying a lawful order to stay in his car and let the police handle the situation. What happened after taking it upon himself to disobey a legal authority is his responsibility!

Furthermore, I do not believe in anyway that Trayvon is anything that they are trying to make him out to be. He was just a privileged black kid out to go to the store go get candy and go see his dad. But instead because he was looked at by George Zimmerman's own admission, "this guy looks like he is up to no good," "They always get away." What was Trayon doing to lead him to his suspicions? I will telly you, talking on the phone with his girlfriend and his hands was in his pockets because he had a bag with a soda and skittles. 

So, he hunted the young man after being ordered not to pursuit, you can hear in the 911 call that he was giving chase even after being ordered not to. You can also hear, in spite of them giving  a meeting point to the operator, he already had other plans. He made this clear by requesting that the police call him when they get there instead of meeting them at the mailbox. Zimmerman then pursued Martin and shot him down like the savage thug that he has been taught that black men are.

The Zimmerman family has all expressed how they do not see how George should be held accountable for this. Besides all he did was solve the break ins right? His father refused to except the truth that there was a witness on the phone even after it was proven by phone records. The brother captured pictures of Trayvon Martin and compared him to a brutal ruthless killer because he posted similar pictures as the killer on facebook. He insinuated that somehow this type of person was someone that his brother had to defend himself against. After all this is the American way,

If you are not black you are special and blacks are the lowest of the low in this culture and needs to be caged and/or exterminated. They are always up to no good, and, "they always get away." If we consider this then we must also consider that 80% of the prison population are blacks. So what does this say about the way we see Minorities in this country? And how this relates to George Zimmerman, who's father is a magistrate. 

Surely, this young black man has to be up to no good and needs extermination? MDPD deepens the plot by not even thinking that Trayvon Martin's loss of life was worth destroying George Zimmerman possible career over. It seems to me that they even helped to corroborate Georges' story instead of doing good old police work. They even let him walk, that is until the public outcry for his arrest.

How is it that a one generation immigrant like George Zimmerman can come to this country and adapt the belief of a people (supposedly) so far removed from himself. How is it that a 28 year old man doesn't see an impressionable young 17 year old kid out on a stroll in love talking with his girlfriend. Instead of a ruthless thug up to no good and most likely will get away with it. Or a valuable life worth saving. Even for sake of argument if Trayvon was up to no good, he admittedly had no weapons. (Let's put the stand your ground law aside for a second.) 

How is it that he (George Zimmerman) didn't see that precious young man as someone he could reach. Could see him as someone whos life he could make a difference in. How is it that he could not think to try to reason with him (Trayvon Martin) to get him to change his mind. After all I can't imaging a man that gives chase as depicted in the phone call as afraid for his life after the operator gave him an out. Stand down, or "We don't need you to do that!" is what the operator said to Zimmerman. 

Did Zimmerman stop and go to the mailbox that the operator instruceted him to in order to rendezvue with MDPD? No, the, "Creepy Cracker" gave chase and when he caught up with Martin brandishing a weapon. Martin wanted to get away after all he was just going to see his dad. Zimmerman pushed him down Martin tried to defend himself, he screamed realizing that this "Creepy Cracker" had intentions on using that gun. This was all surreal to Martin because he had never encounter a gun being pointed at him. Zimmerman pointed the gun and shot Martin in the chest.  Surely, all things are lawful but not all things are expedient. Zimmerman, had an out, something the law considers. Zimmerman, could if in fear for his life could have went to the mailbox and awaited the cops. The stand your ground law of which I am an advocate does not give anyone the right to play cop, to go around playing vigilante'. There is no provision for that in this law. Laws are made to protect the law abiding citizens against lethal threat, or bodily harm. Where is Trayvon's, "Stand Your Ground"?

How is it that this 28 year old man sees a 17 year old boy as someone that he need to stop at all cost even up to and including deadly force. This is a very violent culture we live in. We are swift to shed blood. However, we say that we are civilized. I have been to third world counties that are not as savage. 

What have we come to? When a 17 year old boy can not leave his mothers house go to the store and make it to his father alive. 

We all need to re- evaluate ourselves! Michael Jackson said it best, "I'm am starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways." In this case, "no message can get any clearer If you want to make the world a better place look at yourself and make that change." Pundits are weighing in like it is some legal sporting event! We are a sin sick, hedonist, savage society.

Some of you will read this post and still take sides and not look at facts and that is a shame because a precious little boy will not reach his potential. A mother is grieving and not sure what to make of all this all she knows is that there is a whole in her heart. A father who's pride and joy  his name sake, will not see his seed carry on. Can we put race aside and put yourself in the mother's shoes because in this society, if you have kids, you may very well have to wear those shoes someday. 

George Zimmerman's privilege in our society tells him that that little boy is nothing compared to him. He did the right thing to rid our society of such vermin, and George Zimmerman was owe so obliged to do it. I hope the jury sends a clear message in Dade, County that everyone no matter what race, color, or creed has the right to walk the streets; without fear of intimidation or loss of life.

But I fear that George Zimmerman's fate will have to go to a much higher court where the scales of justice can not be bought, intimidated, or compromised. 


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