B-13 The Cafe' [Think Tank] Letter to Blacks

Wake up! Black People!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a gullible people. You are willfully ignorant. They have killed your significant GOD fearing leaders and you are lead to and fro by every whim and doctrine. How sad this is and you are very strong about wrong!!!! This is a sad period in African (American) History. You are not even at the table of political thought. You have been persuaded that the constitution is an obsolete document that needs to be side stepped. When the reality it (constitution) is GOD's grace to you. You should protect and defend it feverishly, and fervently even unto death. As your oppressor has declared you 1/4 human to keep you from it (Constitution). GOD has used it given you liberty, power, and strength. You are too busy following what you are told you should follow. You are party to the wrong political affiliation (The Democratic Party). Meanwhile, they are killing your babies and has convinced your children that their lives are not worth much more than a monkeys. Notwithstanding, GOD declares that you are a little lower than angels.

You, furthermore, have the nerve to allow your oppressor to convince you that you are god! Moreover, you have reverted back to your idle gods from which you were delivered.

You have traded your collective position of leadership in the world for self-serving independent wealth, wealth that you can't take with you. All because you have left your first love! Woe unto you, you won't have peace until you come to the, PRINCE OF PEACE.  You will not see better days until you repent 2 Chronicles 7: 14

But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;


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