Is ObamaCare headed on a downward spiral?

OMG! This healthcare (Hillary Care) is a travesty. This bill should have never passed from the start. The fact that congress would sign a bill without digesting deeply concerns me. Believe me it will be reflected in the next election. It is unconstitutional for the government to put mandates on the people that would require them to purchase a product or service.

This bill should have never seen the light of day. In order to fix this problem the federal government needs to back off and allow privatization fix the healthcare system. There are some really good ideas coming out of the private sector that would be viable solutions.

There is a Christian healthcare Co-op that is great for anyone that needs consideration. The employers and the healthcare companies has rolled out some very exciting programs that I believe if given a chance would close the gap and maintain affordable premiums. I think the citizens can fix this if the feds just worry about this national deficit, fixing the boarders, and figuring out how we are going to resolve the 11 million illegals. I for one, would like to see them deported and our boarders secured.

If the Feds need something to do they should start by revisiting the communist witch hunt of the 1950's. As a matter of fact I could turn this economy around because the way that the founding fathers set up government was not rocket science. They used common sense, with justice and freedom as there base and Almighty God as it designer. The more we get away from morality, GOD, and decency, and responsibility the worse things seem to get. The politicians are so bold that they do a in-your-face thug type execution of office. They have no regard for the kind of future that they are creating for their own.



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