The Cafe' [Think Tank]- Indigenous woman tearfully claims Amazon fire was intentional

American climate change activist group ‘Sunrise Movement‘ provided a translation of the Pataxó woman’s tearful outburst which reads:

‘For 2 years we’ve fought to preserve [our reservation] & these assholes came in & burned it down.
They are killing our rivers, our sources of life, & now they have set our reserve on fire. Tomorrow we are closing the roads & I want all the media here to see this.’

The tribeswoman’s accusations, if proven true, will coincide with a report which suggests that the ongoing fire is an attempt to clear parts of the Amazon rainforest for cattle ranching.

Brazil’s cattle ranching, which is responsible for a significant portion of the world’s beef supply, ‘originates on land that was once Amazon rainforest and is now denuded’ says Quartz.
Brazil’s new president, Jair Bolsonaro, has been accused of a lax implementation of the country’s environmental policies and nonchalant attitude towards deforestation. The approach is supposedly a part of his pro-business economic plan for Brazil.

Incidents of Amazon fires have also increased by 80% compared to 2018. Bolsonaro took office in January of this year.
 The Amazon rainforest, the largest in the world, is responsible for producing 20% of the world’s oxygen supply. It’s also considered a vital factor in slowing down the rate of global warming and climate change.


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