The Cafe' [Think Tank] and the Trilateral Commission Who Are They? What's Their Function? What do they have to do with the function of or government and foreign policy?

The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental, nonpartisan discussion group founded by David Rockefeller in July 1973 to foster closer cooperation among JapanWestern Europe, and North America


The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Japan, North American nations (the U.S. and Canada), and Western European nations to foster substantive political and economic dialogue across the world. The idea of the Commission was developed in the early 1970s, a time of considerable discord among the United States and its allies in Western Europe, Japan, and Canada. To quote its founding declaration:
  • "Growing interdependence is a fact of life of the contemporary world. It transcends and influences national systems... While it is important to develop greater cooperation among all the countries of the world, Japan, Western Europe, and North America, in view of their great weight in the world economy and their massive relations with one another, bear a special responsibility for developing effective cooperation, both in their own interests and in those of the rest of the world."
  • "To be effective in meeting common problems, Japan, Western Europe, and North America will have to consult and cooperate more closely, on the basis of equality, to develop and carry out coordinated policies on matters affecting their common interests... refrain from unilateral actions incompatible with their interdependence and from actions detrimental to other regions... [and] take advantage of existing international and regional organizations and further enhance their role."
  • "The Commission hopes to play a creative role as a channel of free exchange of opinions with other countries and regions. Further progress of the developing countries and greater improvement of East-West relations will be a major concern."
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs (and later President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981), left Columbia University to organize the group, along with:
Other founding members included Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker, both later heads of the Federal Reserve System.
The organization's records are stored at the Rockefeller Archive Center in North Tarrytown, NY.


The Trilateral Commission initiated its biannual meetings in October 1973 in Tokyo, Japan. In May 1976 the first plenary meeting of all of the Commission's regional groups took place in Kyoto, Japan. Since the ninth meeting in 1978, plenary meetings have taken place annually. Besides annual plenary meetings, regional meetings have also taken place in each of the Asia Pacific Group, the European Group and the North American Group. Since its founding, the discussion group has produced an official journal, Trialogue.


Membership is divided into numbers proportionate to each of the think tank's three regional areas. North America is represented by 120 members (20 Canadian, 13 Mexican and 87 U.S. citizens). The European group has reached its limit of 170 members from almost every country on the continent; the ceilings for individual countries are 20 for Germany, 18 for France, Italy and the United Kingdom, 12 for Spain and 1–6 for the rest. At first Asia and Oceania were represented only by Japan, but in 2000 the Japanese group of 85 members became the Pacific Asia group, comprising 117 members: 75 Japanese, 11 South Koreans, 7 Australian and New Zealand citizens, and 15 members from the ASEAN nations (IndonesiaMalaysiaPhilippinesSingapore and Thailand). The Pacific Asia group also included 9 members from ChinaHong Kong and Taiwan. The commission now claims "more than 100" Pacific Asian members.

While Trilateral Commission bylaws exclude persons holding public office from membership, the think tank draws its participants from politics, business, and academia. It has three chairpersons, one from each of the regions represented. The current chairs are former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Joseph S. Nye, Jr., former head of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet and Yasuchika Hasegawa, chair of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company.

Trilateral Commission 2019 membership list of who really makes national and foreign policy

The group, founded in 1973, meets annually in secret with participants primarily from media, international business, think tanks, finance, education, lobbying and government. All major countries are represented, except Russia. The organization’s goal is diminished nationalist interests, and future government policies influenced by them and their organizations.
The Trilateral Commission’s agendas sync with those of the Group of Seven (G7) summits between the leaders of most of the world’s largest economies.
You can compare this year’s list to 201820172016 and 2015.

March, 2019

North American Group

MEGHAN O’SULLIVANNorth American Chair
JAIME SERRANorth American Deputy Chair
North American Deputy Chair
PAUL A. VOLCKERNorth American Honorary Chair
MICHAEL J. O’NEILNorth American Director
MICHAEL GREENWALDDeputy North American Director
Bertrand-Marc Allen, President, Boeing International, Arlington

Graham Allison
Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government; former Special Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and former Assistant Secretary of Defense
Rona Ambrose, former MP, former Interim Leader, Conservative Party; former Minister on the Status of Women, Environment, Health and Public Works, Ottawa
Dominic Barton, Worldwide Managing Director, McKinsey & Company, London

Catherine Bertini
*Catherine Bertini, Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University; Distinguished Fellow, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Admiral Dennis B. Blair (ret.) , Chairman, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Washington; former U.S. Director of National Intelligence; former Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command
Herminio Blanco Mendoza, Chairman, IQOM, Mexico City; former Mexican Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development; former Chief NAFTA Negotiator

Michael Bloomberg
Michael Bloomberg, Founder and CEO, Bloomberg LP, New York, and former Mayor of New York City
Esther Brimmer, Executive Director and CEO, NAFSA, Association for International Educators, Washington
Nicholas Burns, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Politics and Member of the Board, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Jean Charest, Former Premier of Québec; former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, Montréal

Michael Chertoff
*Michael Chertoff, Chairman and Co-Founder, The Chertoff Group; former Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Judge, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; Former Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice, Washington
Raymond ChrétienPartner and Strategic Advisor, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Montreal, QC; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Montréal Council on Foreign Relations (MCFR); former Associate Under Secretary of State of External Affairs; former Ambassador to the Congo, Belgium, Mexico, the United States, and France
Timothy Collins, CEO and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings, Inc., New York
Richard N. Cooper, Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Chairman, National Intelligence Council; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs

Heidi Crebo-Rediker
Heidi Crebo-Rediker, CEO, International Capital Strategies, Washington; former Chief Economist, State Department
Lee Cullum, Contributing Columnist, Dallas Morning News; Radio and Television Commentator, Dallas
Luis de la Calle, Managing Director and Founding Partner, De la Calle, Madrazo, Mancera, S.C. (CMM), Mexico City; former Undersecretary for International Trade Negotiations
Arthur D. DeFehr, CEO, Palliser Furniture Holdings Ltd., Winnipeg
André Desmarais, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada, Montréal; Deputy Chairman, Power Financial Corporation

John M. Deutch
John M. Deutch, Institute Professor emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; former Director of Central Intelligence; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and Undersecretary of Energy
Paula J. Dobriansky, Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; Vice Chair, National Executive Committee, U.S. Water Partnership; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
Wendy Dobson, Professor and Co-Director, Institute for International Business, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto; former Canadian Associate Deputy Minister of Finance
Gary Doer, former Canadian Ambassador to the United States, Winnipeg

Thomas Donilon
Thomas Donilon, Partner and Vice Chair, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Washington; Non-resident Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University; former U.S. National Security Advisor
*Kenneth M. Duberstein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Duberstein Group, Washington; former Chief of Staff to President Ronald Reagan
Michael Duffy, former Executive Editor, TIME Magazine, Washington
Douglas Elmendorf, Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Richard Falkenrath, Chief Security Officer, Bridgewater Associates, Westport
Dawn Farrell, President and CEO, TransAlta Corporation, Calgary
Diana Farrell, Chief Executive Officer and President, JPMorgan Chase Institute, Washington; former Deputy Director, National Economic Council, and Deputy Assistant to the President for Economic Policy

Martin Feldstein
Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge; President Emeritus, National Bureau of Economic Research; former Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
Linda Frum, Member, Senate of Canada, Ottawa
Juan Gallardo, Chairman of the Board, Grupo Embotelladoras Unidas, SA de CV, Mexico City

David Gergen
*David Gergen, Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for Public Leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; CNN Senior Political Analyst
Gordon Giffin, Partner, Dentons US LLP, Atlanta; former U.S. Ambassador to Canada
Donald Gogel, President and Chief Executive Officer, Clayton Dubilier and Rice, Inc., New York
Jamie S. Gorelick, Partner, WilmerHale, Washington; former Deputy Attorney General; former General Counsel, Department of Defense
Bill Graham Chancellor, Trinity College, University of Toronto; former Member, House of Commons; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Minister of Defense, Ottawa
Donald Graham, Chairman and CEO of Graham Holdings Company, former owner of The Washington Post Company, Washington
Peter Harder, Member, Senate of Canada, Ottawa

Jane Harman
*Jane Harman, Director, President, and CEO, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington; former Member, U.S. House of Representatives
Linda Hasenfratz, President and CEO, Linamar Corporation, Ontario
Carlos Heredia, Associate Professor, Department of International Studies, Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE), Mexico City; Coordinator, Program for the Study of the United States, CIDE
John B. Hess, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Hess Corporation, New York

Carla Hills
*Carla A. Hills, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hills & Company, Washington; former U.S. Trade Representative; former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
*Karen Elliott House, writer, Princeton, NJ; Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; former Senior Vice President, Dow Jones & Company, and Publisher, The Wall Street Journal
Joseph K. Hurd, III, Director, Emerging Business, Facebook, Menlo Park

David Ignatius
David Ignatius, Columnist, The Washington Post, Washington
Merit E. JanowDean of the Faculty and Professor of Practice, International Economic Law and International Affairs, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), New York; former Member, Appellate Body from North America, World Trade Organization
P. Thomas Jenkins, Chair, Open Text, Waterloo; Chair, National Research Council of Canada
Lewis Kaden, Chairman, Markle Foundation Board of Directors; Former Vice Chairman, Citigroup, New York
Andy Karsner, Managing Partner of the Emerson Collective; Senior Strategist at X; former Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Juliette Kayyem, Lecturer in Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; Former Columnist, Boston Globe
Timothy Keating, Senior Vice President, Government Operations, The Boeing Company, Arlington

Colin Kenny
Colin Kenny, Member, Senate of Canada, Ottawa; former Special Assistant, Director of Operations, and Assistant Principal Secretary, to the Rt. Hon. P. E. Trudeau; Member, Special Senate Committee on Terrorism and Security, Special Joint Committee on Canadian Defense Policy; former Chair of Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence
Robert M. Kimmitt, Senior International Counsel, WilmerHale, Washington; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; former U.S. Ambassador to Germany

Henry Kissinger
Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., New York; former U.S. Secretary of State; former Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission
Nicholas Kristof, Columnist, The New York Times
Stephanie Kusie, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa
Fred Langhammer, Chairman, Global Affairs, The Estée Lauder Companies, Inc., New York
Hélène Laverdière, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa

Monique Leroux
*Monique Leroux, Chair of the Board of Investissement, Québec
Andrew Leslie, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa
Marne Levine, former Chief Operating Officer, Instagram, Menlo Park
Santiago Levy, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington
David Lipton, First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, Washington

Linda Koch Lorimer
Linda Koch Lorimer, CEO, Abundantior; former Vice President for Global & Strategic Initiatives, Yale University
*John Manley, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Business Council of Canada, Ottawa; former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance; Deputy Chairman, North American Trilateral Commission
Judith A. McHale, President and Chief Executive Officer, Cane Investments, LLC, Hastings on Hudson; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs; former President and Chief Executive Officer, Discovery Communications
Thomas F. McLarty , III, President, McLarty Asssociates, Washington; former Chief of Staff to President Clinton
Lourdes Melgar, Energy Scholar, MIT Center for International Studies, Mexico City
Jami Miscik, President and Vice Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., New York; former Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency

Andrea Mitchell
Andrea Mitchell, spouse of Alan Greenspan (former Chairman of the Federal Reserve), Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, NBC News, Washington
Admiral Michael Mullen (Ret.), CEO, MGM Consulting, Annapolis; former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Heather Munroe-Blum, Chair of the Board, Canada Pension Investment Fund; Principal Emerita and Professor, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Toronto
Lori Esposito Murray, Distinguished Chair for National Security, U.S. Naval Academy; former President & Chief Executive Officer, World Affairs Councils of America; former Special Advisor to the President on the Chemical Weapons Convention; former Assistant Director, U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency
John D. Negroponte, Vice Chairman, McLarty Associates, Washington; former Deputy Secretary of State; former Director of National Intelligence; former Ambassador to the United Nations, Honduras, Mexico, the Philippines and Iraq

Joseph S. Nye, Jr.
*Joseph S. Nye, Jr., University Distinguished Service Professor and former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Chair, National Intelligence Council; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs; North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission
*Meghan L. O’Sullivan, Evron and Jeane Kirkpatrick Professor of the Practice of International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge; former Special Assistant to President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan
Thomas R. Pickering, Vice Chair, Hills & Company, Washington; former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, Jordan, and the United Nations; former Senior Vice President, International Relations, Boeing Company
John A. Quelch, Vice Provost for Education and Dean, School of Business Administration, University of Miami, Miami
John Risley, Chairman and President, Clearwater, Bedford
Andrés Rozental, former Mexican Deputy Foreign Minister; Nonresident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Latin America Initiative, Brookings Institution, Mexico City
David M. Rubenstein, Co-founder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group
*Luis Rubio, President, Mexican Council on Foreign Relations; Chairman, Center for Research Development (CIDAC), Mexico City
Indira Samarasekera, Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones LLP, Vancouver
David Sanger, Chief Washington Correspondent, The New York Times, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard University, Cambridge

Eric Schmidt
Eric Schmidt, Technical Advisor and Board Member, Alphabet, Inc (Google)
Susan Schwab, Professor, Maryland School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park; former U.S. Trade Representative
Gerald Seib, Executive Washington Editor, The Wall Street Journal, Washington
*Jaime Serra, Chairman, SAI Law and Economics; Founder, Aklara, the Arbitration Center of Mexico, and the NAFTA Fund of Mexico, Mexico City; Deputy Chairman, North American Trilateral Commission
Rajiv Shah, President, Rockefeller Foundation; Distinguished Fellow in Residence, Edward A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington; former Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development
Wendy Sherman, Senior Advisor, Albright Stonebridge Group; Resident Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics; former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
Jeffrey Simpson, Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa; former National Affairs Columnist, The Globe and Mail, Senior Fellow, University of Ottawa, Ottawa

Olympia Snowe
Olympia SnoweFormer U.S. Senator; Senior Fellow, Bipartisan Policy Center, Portland
Cecilia Soto Gonzalez, Federal Congresswoman, Mexico City
Nancy Southern, President and Chief Executive Officer, ATCO Ltd. and Canadian Utilities Limited, Calgary
*James B. Steinbergformer dean of Maxwell School, and University Professor of Social Science, International Affairs and Law, Syracuse University, Syracuse; former Deputy Secretary of State, former Deputy National Security Advisor
*Carole TaylorChancellor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver; former Minister of Finance, British Columbia; former Chair, CBC/Radio-Canada; former Chair, Canada Ports; public affairs broadcaster
Luis Téllez Kuenzler, Special Advisor, KKR; President, NTT Everis; former Chairman of the Board, Mexican Stock Exchange, Mexico City; former Secretary of Communications and Transportation of Mexico

G. Richard Thoman
G. Richard Thoman, Managing Partner, Corporate Perspectives, New York; Adjunct Professor of International Business, Columbia University; Professor of Practice in International Business, the Fletcher School, Tufts University; former President and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation; former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, IBM Corporation
*Frances Townsend, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Government, Legal and Business Affairs, MacAndrews & Forbes Inc., New York; former Assistant to the President for Homeland Security
Melanne Verveer, Executive Director, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security, Georgetown University, Washington
Guillermo F. Vogel, Director and Vice President of the Board, Tenaris, Mexico City

Paul Volcker
*Paul Volcker, former Chairman, President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board; former Chairman, Wolfensohn & Co., Inc., New York; Frederick H. Schultz Professor Emeritus, International Economic Policy, Princeton University; former Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System; Honorary North American Chairman and former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Yuen Pau Woo, Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Ottawa
Robert Zoellick, Chairman, AllianceBernstein, New York; former President, The World Bank
Daniel Yergin, Vice Chairman, IHS, Cambridge
Javier Arroyo, Chief Operations Officer, Farmacias Guadalajara, Guadalajara
Alesha Black, Director, Global Food & Agriculture Program, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Chicago
David BorcsokFund Manager, RBC Generator Fund, Toronto

Jessica Brandt
Jessica Brandt, Fellow, Institutional Initiatives, Brookings Institution, Washington
Matthew Devlin, Global Lead for International Relations, Uber Technologies, New York
Gabriela Enrigue, Founder, Prospera, Guadalajara
Mohammad Keyhani, Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy and Global Management, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Alberta
Jessica Ji Eun Lee, Director, Policy and Advocacy, Council of Korean Americans, Washington
Julia Fan Li, Senior Vice-President & Head of UK Seven Bridges Genomics, London
Juan Pablo Zorrilla, Co-Founder, Co-CEO, Resolves, Mexico
Loren Delonge Schulman, Deputy Director of Studies and the Leon E. Panetta Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security, Washington
Andrew Sweet, Associate Partner, Dalberg Global Development Advisors, Johannesburg
Matthew Thomas, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Paddle, Toronto
Samantha Vinograd, Public Policy Lead, Stripe, San Francisco
Joshua W. Walker, Founding Dean, APCO Institute, APCO Worldwide, Washington
Ali Wyne, Policy analyst, RAND Corporation, Washington

Jon Huntsman
Lael Brainard, Member, U.S. Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Washington
Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board, government of Canada
Stanley Fischer, Vice Chairman, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, New York
Jon Huntsman, Jr., current U.S. Ambassador to Russia, the Governor of Utahfrom 2005 to 2009, and the U.S. Ambassador to China from 2009 to 2011, and was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce and United States Ambassador to Singapore by George H. W. Bush. Later as Deputy U.S. Trade Representative under George W. Bush, he launched global trade negotiations in Doha in 2001 and guided the accession of China into the World Trade Organization.
Ken Juster, current U.S. Ambassador to India, the former Chairman of Freedom House, and the Vice Chairman of the Asia Foundation, and member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Academy of Diplomacy.
*Executive Committee

European Group

MICHAEL FUCHSEuropean Deputy Chair
Honorary European Chair
GEORGES BERTHOINEuropean Honorary Chair
European Honorary Chair
PAOLO MAGRIEuropean Director
Ann-Kristin Achleitner, Scientific Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (CEFS), Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich
*Esko Aho, Executive Chairman of the Board, East Office of Finnish Industries, Helsinki; former Executive Vice President, Nokia; former Prime Minister of Finland
Nuno Amado, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Millennium bcp, Porto Salvo
*Peter AndronovCountry Manager KBC Group, CEO of UBB, Sofia
Vyara Ankova, General Manager “Information”, Nova Broadcasting Group, Sofia
Jacques Aschenbroich, Chairman and CEO, Valeo, Paris
Jerzy Baczyński, Editor-in-Chief, Polityka, Warsaw
*Estela Barbot, Member of the Board & Audit Committee at REN – Redes Energéticas Nacinais;President of the General Council at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; former Director, Bank Santander Negócios; former Member of the Board & Audit Committee at the IFD – Financial Institution for Development, Porto
Ornella Barra, Chief Operating Officer, Walgreens Boots Alliance, London
*Ladislav Bartoníček, Chief Executive Officer, SOTIO; PPF Group Shareholder, Prague
Oliver Bäte, Chief Executive Officer, Allianz, Munich
Marek Belka, former President, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw; former Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland; former Director, European Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C.
Dick Benschop, Vice President, Joint Ventures Excellence, Shell International; former Deputy Foreign Minister of The Netherlands, The Hague
Baron Jean-Pierre Berghmans, Chairman, Lhoist Group, Limelette, Belgium
*Georges Berthoin, International Honorary Chairman, European Movement; Honorary Chairman, The Jean Monnet Association; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris
Carl Bildt, Co-Chair, European Council on Foreign Relations; former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; former Chairman, Kreab Group of public affairs companies; former Chairman, Nordic Venture Network, Stockholm; former Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Moderate Party and Prime Minister of Sweden; former European Union High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina & UN Special Envoy to the Balkans
Manfred Bischoff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Daimler AG, Munich; former Member of the Board of Management, Daimler AG; former Chairman, EADS
*Franjo Bobinac, President of the Management Board of Gorenje Group, Ljubljana; Vice President for Marketing, Hisense International Co. Ltd.; Honorary Consul of Monaco
Jean-Louis Bourlanges, former Member, State Audit Court (Cour des Comptes), Paris; Associated Professor, Institute for Political Studies in Paris; former Member of the European Parliament, Brussels; former President of the European Movement in France, Paris
Dame Nicola Brewer, Vice-Provost (International), University College, London
Samir Brikho, former Chief Executive Officer, Amec Foster Wheeler, London
Jean-Louis Bruguière, former Judge on anti-terrorism; former EU High Representative to the United States on the Terrorism Finance Tracking Programme (TFTP/SWIFT), Paris
John Bruton, former Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland, Dublin; former European Union Ambassador Head, Delegation of the European Commission to the United States
Patrick Buffet, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ERAMET, Paris
François Bujon de l’Estang, Ambassadeur de France; Chairman, FBE International Consultants, Paris; former Chairman, Citi France; former Ambassador to the United States
Slavko Carić, Chief Executive Officer, Erste Bank Serbia, Belgrade
Luis de Carlos, Managing Partner, Uría Menéndez Abogados, Madrid
*Jaime Castellanos, President, Lazard Spain, Madrid
Heinrich Christen, Managing Partner Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Ernst & Young, Zürich
Bertrand Collomb, Honorary Chairman, Lafarge; Member of the Institut de France, Paris
Patrick Combes, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Compagnie Financière Tradition and Viel & Cie., Paris
*Richard Conroy, Chairman, Conroy Gold and Natural Resources, Dublin; Member of Senate, Republic of Ireland
Eduardo Costa, Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Finantia, Lisbon; Member, Forum Portugal Global
Vivienne Cox, Chairman, Vallourec, France; Member of the Board, BG Group, London
*Enrico Tommaso Cucchiani, former Group Chief Executive Officer, Intesa Sanpaolo, Milan; Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer, TGI (Think Global Investments), London
Caroline Daniel, Partner, Brunswick Group; former Editor, FT WeekendFinancial Times, London
Yves-Louis Darricarrère, Chairman, Total’s Corporate Foundation; former Member of the Executive Committee, Total Group, Paris
Marta Dassù
Marta Dassù, Senior Director of European Affairs, The Aspen Institute; Editor-in-Chief, Aspenia, Aspen Institute Italia; former Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Rome
Sol Daurella, Chair, Coca-Cola European Partners, Madrid
Michel David-Weill, former Chairman, Lazard LLC, worldwide; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Eurazeo, Paris
Thierry Déau, Founding Partner, Chief Executive Officer, Meridiam Infrastructure, Paris
Marie-Ange Debon, Group Suez Senior Executive Vice President in charge of France, Italy and Central Europe, Paris
Jean-Luc Decornoy, former Partner, KPMG France; former Deputy Chairman, KPMG EMA, Paris
Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola, former Italian Minister of Defence; former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Livorno
Vladimír Dlouhý, President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce; International Advisor, Goldman Sachs; former Czechoslovak Minister of Economy; former Czech Minister of Industry & Trade, Prague
Ralf Dörig, Chairman, Swiss Life; Chairman, Adecco Group, Zurich
Ivana Dragičević-Veličković, Executive Producer, International News at N1 Television, CNN affiliate for Adria Region, Zagreb
Karsten Dybvad, Director General and Chief Executive Officer, Confederation of Danish Industry, Copenhagen
Guy Elliott, Deputy Chairman, SAB Miller plc; non executive director, Royal Dutch Shell plc; former Chief Financial Officer, Rio Tinto, London
Manuel Falcó, Head Corporate and Investment Banking, EMEA, Citi Group, London
Franz Fischler, President, European Forum, Alpbach, Vienna; former Member of the European Commission (Agriculture)
Jürgen Fitschen, Senior Advisor – former Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt-am-Main; former President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Ceconomy AG
Mark FitzPatrick, Chief Financial Officer, Prudential, London
Seamus FitzPatrick, Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner, CapVest Associates, London and Dublin
Klaus- Dieter Frankenberger, Foreign Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt-am-Main
Simon Freakley, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Alix Partners, London
Louise Fresco, President of the Executive Board, Wageningen University & Research Center; Member of the Board of non-executive Directors, Unilever, London; former Professor, University of Amsterdam; former Assistant Director-General, Head of Agriculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome
Luc Frieden
Luc Frieden, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Banque Internationale à Luxembourg; Chairman of the Board, St Paul Luxembourg; former Minister of Finance, Defense and Justice, Luxembourg
Hugh Friel , Chairman, Tourism Ireland; former Chief Executive Officer, Kerry Group, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Lykke Friis, Prorector for Education, University of Copenhagen; former Member of the Danish Parliament; former Minister for Climate and Energy and Gender Equality; former Prorector, University of Copenhagen
Uwe Fröhlich, Co-Chief Executive Officer, DZ Bank, Frankfurt am Main
*Michael Fuchs, former Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin; former Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group; former President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Foreign Trade; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Sigmar Gabriel, Member of the German Bundestag; former Foreign Minister of Germany, Berlin
Cristina Garmendia, Chair, SILO; Chair, Cotec Foundation, Madrid; SYGNIS (Spain-Germany); former Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation, Madrid
Ignacio Garralda, Chairman, Mutua Madrileña, Madrid
Gioia Ghezzi, Chairman, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (Italian State Railways), Rome
Brian Gilvary, Group Chief Financial Officer, British Petroleum plc, London
Patrizia Grieco, Chairman, Enel, Rome
Vittorio Grilli, Chairman, Corporate & Investment Bank EMEA, JPMorgan, London
Elisabeth Guigou, former Member of the French National Assembly and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee; former Minister for European Affairs, Paris
Christian Gut, Chief Executive Officer, Prosegur, Madrid
Yoram Gutgeld, Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies; Economic and Public Finance Advisor to the Italian Prime Minister; Government spending review Commissioner, Rome
Herbjørn Hansson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nordic American Tankers, Oslo
Sturla Henriksen, Chief Executive Officer, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, Oslo
*Beat Hess, Chairman of the Board, LafargeHolcim, Zürich
*Nigel Higgins, Deputy Chairman, Rothschild & Co, London
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, former Secretary General of NATO and Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Hague
Satu Huber, Chief Executive Officer, Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Helsinki
Vivian Hunt, Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company, London
Michael Inacker, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, WMP EuroCom, Berlin
*Mugur Isarescu, Governor, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest; former Prime Minister
Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Senior Professor for Security Policy and Diplomatic Practice, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin; former German Ambassador to US and UK, former German Deputy Foreign Minister
Lady Barbara Judge, Chairman, UK Pension Protection Fund, London; National Chair, UK Institute of Directors; former Chairman, UKAEA (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority); former US Securities Exchange Commissioner
Rastislav Káčer, Chairman, Globsec; former Ambassador of Slovakia to the United States
Joe Kaeser, President and Chief Executive Officer, Siemens AG, Munich
Sylvie Kauffmann, Editorial Director and Foreign Affairs columnist, Le Monde, Paris; contributing writer, the New York Times
Yasmine Kherbache, Member of the Flemish Parliament, Antwerp
Sir John Kingman, Chairman, Legal & General Group plc; Chair of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), London
*Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Member of the House of Lords, London; Deputy Chairman, Scottish Power (Iberdrola); former Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell; former British Ambassador to the United States; former Secretary General, European Convention
Lauri Kivinen, Investor and Senior Adviser in media and telecom; former CEO of the Finnish Broadcasting Company and executive of Nokia, Helsinki
Klaas Knot, President, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam
*Jovan Kovačić, President, East West Bridge; Chief Executive Officer, GCA Global Communications Associates Ltd; CEO of Henderson Asset Protection, Serbia; former Advisor to the Serbian Government, Belgrade
Árpád Kovács, Chairman, Fiscal Council of Hungary; Professor, Szeged University; former President, State Audit Office of Hungary, Budapest
Gábor Kovács, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bankar Holding; Founder, KOGART (Kovács Gábor Art Foundation), Budapest
Jerzy Koźmiński, President and Chief Executive Officer, Polish-American Freedom Foundation; former Ambassador to the United States; former First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw
Idar Kreutzer, Chief Executive Officer, Finance Norway, Oslo
*Ulysses Kyriacopoulos, Chairman, Imerys Industrial Minerals Greece; former Chairman, Federation of Greek Industries, Athens
Francisco de Lacerda, Chief Executive Officer, CTT (Portugal Post), Lisbon; Chairman, COTEC Portugal (Business Association for Innovation)
*Kurt Lauk, former Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group-CDU); Chairman, Globe Capital Partners, Stuttgart; President, Economic Council of the CDU Party, Berlin; former Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart
*Eli Leenaars, Vice-Chairman Wealth Management, UBS AG, Zurich, Switzerland; former Member of the Executive Board, ING Group NV and ING Bank NV, Amsterdam
Joy Lo Dico, Columnist and Executive Editor, The Evening Standard, London
*Jean Lemierre, Chairman, BNP Paribas, Paris; former President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Frédéric Lemoine, former Chairman of the Executive Board, Wendel SE; former non executive Chairman, Bureau Veritas; Board member Saint-Gobain”, Paris
Enrico Letta, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po; President of the Jacques Delors Institute, Paris; Founder of Scuola di Politiche in Italy; former Prime Minister of Italy
*Thomas Leysen, Chairman, KBC Group; Chairman of the Board, Umicore, Brussels
*Bo Lidegaard, Writer; Contributor and former Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Copenhagen
Tove Lifvendahl, Political Editor-in-Chief, Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm
Annie Lööf, Member of Parliament and Leader of the Centre Party, Stockholm
Peter Lukeš, Serial Entrepreneur and Investor; Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Ditec, Bratislava
*Franjo Luković, former Chairman of the Management Board, Zagrebačka Banka – UniCredit Group, Zagreb
*Monica Maggioni, Journalist; former President, Rai, Rome
Hervé Mariton, former Member of the French National Assembly; former Minister for Overseas Territories, Paris
Giampiero Massolo, Chairman, Fincantieri, Rome; former Italian Ambassador
Lord Maude of Horsham , Member of the House of Lords; Former Minister for Europe and Trade, Partner Francis Maude Associates; Senior Adviser Covington and Burling, London
Carlo Messina, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Intesa Sanpaolo, Milan
Peter Mitterbauer, Honorary President, The Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna; President and Chief Executive Officer, Miba, Laakirchen
Dominique Moïsi, Senior Counsellor, Institut Montaigne, Paris; Professor, King’s College, London
Maurizio Molinari, Director, La Stampa, Turin
Andrea Moltrasio, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, UBI Banca, Bergamo
*Mario Monti, Member of the Italian Senate; President, Bocconi University, Milan; former President of the Council of Ministers, Italy; former Member of the European Commission (Competition Policy and Internal Market); Honorary President, BRUEGEL, Brussels; Honorary European Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Klaus-Peter Müller, Chairman of the Board, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former CEO, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin
Manuel Muñiz, Dean, Rafael del Pino Professor of Practice of Global Leadership, IE School of Global and Public Affairs, Madrid
Claudia Nemat, Member of the Board of Management, Deutsche Telekom, Bonn
Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian National Bank; former Chief Executive Officer, BAWAG P.S.K., Vienna
Sean O’Driscoll, Director and Advisor, Glen Dimplex Group, Dublin
*Andrzej Olechowski , Chairman, Supervisory Board, Bank Handlowy; Professor, Vistula University; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and of Finance, Warsaw
Lucas Papademos, President of the Academy of Athens and holder of the Chair in Economic Sciences; Honorary Governor of the Bank of Greece; former Prime Minister of Greece; former Vice-President of the European Central Bank, Athens
*Alexandra Papalexopoulou, Group Strategic Planning Director, Titan Cement Company, Athens; European Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Stephen Peel, Founder, SMP Policy Innovation; former Senior Partner of TPG Capital, London and Hong Kong
Joachim Pfeiffer, Member of the German Bundestag and spokesperson for economic policy of the CDU/CSU party, Berlin
*Ursula Plassnik, Ambassador of Austria to Switzerland; former Member of the Austrian Parliament; U.N. Special Envoy for International Women Issues; former Federal Minister for European and International Affairs, Vienna
Rosen Plevneliev, former President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia
*Borja Prado, Chairman, Endesa, Madrid
Marc Puig, Chairman and CEO, Puig, Barcelona
Rasvan Radu, Chief Executive Officer, UniCredit Tiriac Bank, Bucharest
Maria Rankka, Chief Executive Officer, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Sweden
Wanda Rapaczyńska, Advisor to the Supervisory Board and former President of the Management Board, Agora, Warsaw
Olli Rehn, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland, Helsinki; former European Commissioner
Monika Ribar, Chairwoman, Swiss Federal Railways (SBB), Zurich
Jon Riberas, Chairman and CEO, Gonvarri Steel Industries, Madrid
Heinz Riesenhuber, former Member of the German Bundestag/Father of the House; former Federal Minister of Research and Technology, Berlin; Vice Chairman, Board of Directors HBM Healthcare Investments Ltd., Switzerland
Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman, Techint Group of Companies, Milan
Lars Rohde, Governor by Royal Appointment, Chairman of the Board of Governors, National Bank of Denmark, Copenhagen
Jean-Pierre Roth, Member of the Board of Directors of MKS (Switzerland); former Chairman of the Swiss National Bank, Geneva
Fabrizio Saccomanni, Chairman, Unicredit, Milan
Pietro Salini, Chief Executive Officer, Salini Impregilo, Milan
Michael Schaefer, Chairman of the Board, BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, Berlin; former German Ambassador to China
*Magnus Schöldtz, Senior Advisor, Wallenberg Foundations AB; former Swedish Ambassador, Stockholm
Maurizio Sella, Chairman, Gruppo Banca Sella, Biella; former Chairman, Association of Italian Banks (A.B.I.), Rome
Tomasz Sielicki, Chairman, Sygnity, Warsaw
Sławomir Sikora, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bank Handlowy w Warszawie; Citi Country Officer, responsible for Citigroup’s operations in Poland, Warsaw
Miroslav Singer, former Governor, Czech National Bank, Prague
*Kristin Skogen Lund, Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), Oslo
*Ivan Šramko, Chairman of Council for Budget Responsibility; former Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia, Bratislava
Keir Starmer, Member of the British Parliament; Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, London
István Stumpf, Justice, The Constitutional Court of Hungary; former Deputy Prime Minister, Budapest
*György Surányi, Professor of Finance, Corvinus University, Budapest; former Regional Head of Central Eastern Europe, Intesa Sanpaolo Group; former Chairman, Central European International Bank (CIB); former President of the National Bank of Hungary
Emil Tedeschi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atlantic Grupa, Zagreb
Andreas Treichl, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Erste Group Bank AG, Vienna
*Jean-Claude Trichet , Chairman, Group of Thirty; Chairman, Bruegel, Brussels; Honorary Governor, Banque de France; former President of the European Central Bank; European Chairman, Trilateral Commission, Paris
Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pirelli & C., Milan; Deputy Chairman, Confindustria, Rome; former Chairman, Telecom Italia
Liviu Tudor, Owner, Genesis Property; General Secretary of the Romanian Chapter, The Club of Rome, Bucharest
Baron Frans Van Daele, Honorary Chief of Staff, HM the King of Belgium, Brussels
Count Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council emeritus; former Prime Minister of Belgium; President, European Policy Centre, Brussels
Baroness Shriti Vadera, Chairman, Santander UK plc, London
*Raivo Vare , Entrepreneur and Statesman serving on Supervisory Boards in Estonia; former Minister of State and former Minister of Transport and Communication, Tallinn
Zivorad Vasic, Vice President, Delta Holding, Belgrade; Regional Director, Intercontinental Hotels Group for Crowne Plaza Belgrade, InterContinental Ljubljana, Bucharest and Sofia
Eftichios Vassilakis, Executive Vice Chairman, Aegean Airlines; Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Autohellas, Athens
*George Vassiliou, former Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Cyprus to the European Union; former President of the Republic of Cyprus; former Member of Parliament and Leader of United Democrats, Nicosia
Jeroen van der Veer, former Chief Executive Officer, Royal Dutch Shell, Amsterdam; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, ING Group and Philips; Chairman of the Supervisory Council, Delft University of Technology
Vesa Vihriälä, Managing Director, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) & Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA), Helsinki
Christian Vollmann, Founder & Managing Director,; First Business Angel & Head of Sales, ResearchGate; co-Founder, eDarling, Berlin
Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor AB; Vice Chairman, ABB Ltd, Ericsson AB, SAS AB/Scandinavian Airlines, Stockholm
Axel Weber, Chairman of the Board, UBS Group AG, Zürich; former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank
Heinrich Weiss , Chief Executive Officer, SMS Group, Düsseldorf; former Chairman, German-Russian Chamber of Commerce; former Chairman, German-Chinese Business Council; former Chairman, Economic Advisory Council of the CDU-Party
Hans Wijers, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Heineken, Amsterdam; non-Executive Director, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), London; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Akzo Nobel; former Dutch Minister for Economic Affairs; former Senior Partner, BCG
Lord Willetts, Member of the House of Lords, London; Chairman, Resolution Foundation; former Minister for Universities and Science
Matthias Wissmann, President, The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Berlin; President of the World Automobile Industry Association (OICA); former Member of German Bundestag and former Federal Minister
Ngaire Woods, Founding Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government and Professor of Global Economic Governance, Oxford University
Corien Wortmann-Kool, Chairman of the Board, ABP Pension Fund, Amsterdam; Member of the Supervisory Board AEGON NV; Vice President European People’s Party and former Member of European Parliament and Vice Chair of EPP Parliamentary Group
Sheikh Humaid Bin Ali Bin Sultan Al-Maani, Diwan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman; former Ambassador to France and to India
Fouad Makhzoumi, Chairman of Future Group; Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Future Pipe Industries, Lebanon
Güler Sabancı, Chairman, Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding A.Ş., İstanbul
Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Management Board of the Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR), Moscow
Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Professor, Institute of Political Sciences, University of Copenhagen; Director of Diploface
Diego del Alcázar, Executive Vice Chairman, IE Business School & IE University, Madrid
Mark Boris Andrijanič, Public Policy Associate (CEE), Uber Technologies, Warsaw
Alexia Bertrand, Chief of Staff to Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, Brussels
Jane Burston, Director, Clean Air Fund, London
Edoardo Campanella, Eurozone Economist, UniCredit Bank, Milan
Ferdinando Giugliano, Columnist and Editorial Writer, Bloomberg View, Rome
Marta Guzzafame, Project Leader (Strategy & Digital), The Boston Consulting Group, Madrid
Niki Kerameus, Member of the Hellenic Parliament; Kerameus & Partners Law Firm, Athens
Christian Nordholtz, Partner and German M&A lawyer, GÖHMANN Lawyers, Hanover
*Claudia Olsson, CEO, Exponential AB, Stockholm (DRF Representative)
Antonio Poncioni, Senior Advisor, Sovereign Advisory Team, Lazard, Lisbon
Zita Schellekens, Director Corporate Relations, HEINEKEN the Netherlands
Christophe Schramm, Manager New Technologies, Solvay Specialty Polymers – Business Incubation, Milan
Ludovic Subran, Head of Macroeconomic Research, Allianz and Euler Hermes, Paris
Matteo Villa, Research Fellow, the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), Milan
Anna Ekström, Minister for Upper Secondary School and Adult Education and Training, Ministry of Education and Research, Stockholm
Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, President of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb
Rory Stewart, Minister of State at Department for International Development and Member of the British Parliament
Elsbeth Tronstad, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
Margrethe Vestager, Member of the European Commission (Competition), Brussels
Margrethe Vestager, Member of the European Commission (Competition), Brussels
*Executive Committee


HONG SEOK-HYUNAsia Pacific Deputy Chair
BARRY DESKERAsia Pacific Deputy Chair
HIDEKO KATSUMATAAsia Pacific Director
(Chinese and Korean names are listed surname first)
Teruo Asada, Chairman of the Board, Marubeni Corporation, Tokyo
Bark Taeho, President, Lee & Ko Global Commerce Institute, Seoul; Professor Emeritus and former Dean, Graduate School of International studies, Seoul National University, Seoul; former Trade Minister of Korea; former Chairman, International Trade Commission of Korea
*Chen Naiqing, Former Vice President of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, Beijing
Cho Hyun Joon, Chairman and CEO, Hyosung Group, Seoul
Chung Mong -Joon, Chairman, The Asan Foundation, Seoul; Former Member, Korean National Assembly
Cesar Consing, President of the Bank of the Philippines Islands (BPI), Manila
*Tarun Das, Chairman, Institute of Economic Growth; Founding Trustee, Ananta Aspen Centre, New Delhi
*Barry Desker, Distinguished Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Takuya FujiiChairman, Promontory Financial Group Global Services Japan, LLC., Tokyo
Ichiro Fujisaki, Chairman, Promontory Financial Group Global Services Japan, LLC., Tokyo Ichiro Fujisaki, President, Nakasone Yasuhiro Peace Institute; President of America-Japan Society; Chairman of the Sophia Institute of International, Sophia University., Tokyo; former Japanese Ambassador to the United States
Yoichi Funabashi , Chairman, Asia Pacific Initiative; former Editor-in-Chief, The Asahi Shimbun,Tokyo
Jamshyd Godrej, Chairman & Managing Director, Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Co. Ltd; Chairman, Ananta Centre, New Delhi
Quentin Grafton, Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU; Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance; Director, FE2W Network; Editor-in-Chirf, Policy
Allan Gyngell, Convenor, Coombs Forum; Director, Crawford Australian Leadership Forum
Toyoo Gyohten, Honorary Advisor, Institute for International Monetary Affairs; Senior Advisor, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., Tokyo
Hahm Chaibong, President, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies, Seoul
*Han Sung-Joo, Honorary Chairman, The International Policy Studies Institute of Korea (IPSIKOR), Seoul; Professor Emeritus, Korea University; former Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Korean Ambassador to the United States
*Yasuchika Hasegawa, Corporate Counselor, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; former Chairman, Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai), Tokyo; Asia Pacific Chairman, Trilateral Commission
*John R. Hewson, Professor and Chair Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU; former Leader, Federal Opposition, Australia
Nobuyuki Hirano, Director, President &Group CEO, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.; Chairman, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., Tokyo
*Hong Seok-Hyun, Chairman, JoongAng Holdings, Seoul; former Korean Ambassador to the United States; Asia Pacific Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
*Akinari Horii, Special Advisor and Member of the Board of Directors, The Canon Institute for Global Studies, Tokyo; Asia Pacific Treasurer, Trilateral Commission
Rastam Mohd Isa, Chairman of the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia
*Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, President, Global Corporate Affairs, Tata Sons Ltd, New Delhi; Former Foreign Secretary of India
Bhairavi Jani, Executive Director, SCA Group, New Delhi
*Jung Ku-hyun, President, The Seoul Forum for International Affairs, Seoul
Eijiro Katsu, President COO, Internet Initiative Japan Inc., Tokyo
Bilahari Kausikan, Ambassador-at-Large , Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
Yuko Kawamoto, Professor, Waseda Business School (Graduate School of Business and Finance), Waseda University, Tokyo
Koichi Kawana, Director Vice Chairman, JGC Corporation, Tokyo
Hiroshi Kimura, Corporate Advisor, Japan Tobacco Inc., Tokyo
Sanjay Kirloskar, Chairman and Managing Director, Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., Pune
Eizo Kobayashi, Senior Representative for Business Community Relations, ITOCHU Corporation, Tokyo
Izumi Kobayashi, Director and a member of the Board, ANA Holdings Inc., Tokyo
Akira Kojima, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for Economic Research ( JCER ); Member of the Board of Trustees and Visiting Professor at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Ritusmeikan University (Kyoto); Chairman, World Trade Center Tokyo, Inc
Tom Kompas, Director, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU; Director, Australian Centre for Biosecurity and Environmental Economics (ACBEE); Editor-in-Chief, Asia and the Pacific Policy Journal
Takeshi Kunibe, President and Group Chief Executive, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Cooperation, Tokyo
Lawrence Lau, Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics and former Vice-Chancellor/President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lee Jay Y., Vice Chairman, Samsung Electronics, Seoul
*Lee Shin-wha, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University, Seoul; UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Member on Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) , The United Nations, New York
Lee Sook-Jong, President, East Asia Institute; Professor, Graduate School of Governance, SungKyungKwan University
Li Zhaoxing, Former Foreign Minister of PRC, Beijing
Lu Shumin, Former Executive President of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, Beijing
Minoru Makihara, Senior Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Corporation, Tokyo
Mike Moore, Former New Zealand Ambassador to US; former Director-General, World Trade Organization, Geneva; former Prime Minister of New Zealand
Satoru Murase, Partner, Morgan Lewis, New York / Tokyo
Na Kyung-Won, Member, Korean National Assembly, Seoul
Hiroaki Nakanishi, Chairman of the Board and Representative Executive Officer, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo
Philip Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Far East Organization, Singapore
*Roberto F. de Ocampo, Chairman, Board of Advisors, RFO Center for Public Finance & Regional Economic Cooperation, Manila; former Philippine Secretary of Finance
Sadako Ogata, Special Advisor to the President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo; former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Honorary Asia Pacific group member
*Akio Okawara, President, Japan Center for International Exchange., Tokyo
Tetsu Ozaki, Vice Chairman of Nomura Holdings, Inc., Tokyo
David Rasquinha, Managing Director, Export -Import Bank of India, Munbai
Ryu Jin Roy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Poongsan Group., Seoul
Ruan Zongze, Executive Vice President of China Institute of International Studies, Beijing
Sakong Il, Chairman & CEO, Institute for Global Economics (IGE), Seoul; former Korean Minister of Finance
Kengo Sakurada, Chairman, Sompo Holdings, Inc., Tokyo
Takayoshi Sato, President, MRA Foundation, Tokyo
Yasuhiro Sato, Chairman, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., Tokyo
Shin Dong-Bin, Chairman, Lotte Group, Seoul
Tobby Simon, President, The Synergia Foundation, Bangalore
Arun K. Singh, former Indian Ambassador to the United States
Sio Chi Wai, Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Macau Special Administrative Region
Jacob Soetoyo, Executive Director, The Gesit Companies, Jakarta
Sohn Jie-Ae, Former President, Arirang TV, Seoul
Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Former Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare; Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Chief Cabinet Secretary, Tokyo
*Shigemitsu Sugisaki, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd., Tokyo; former Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Shuzo Sumi, Chairman of the Board, Tokio Marine Holdings, Tokyo
Dato’ Sri Dr. Tahir, President & CEO, Mayapada Group, Jakarta
Akio Takahara, Professor, University of Tokyo
Keizo Takemi , Member, Japanese House of Councillors; Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Vice Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, Tokyo
Akihiko Tanaka, President, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo
Hitoshi Tanaka, Chairman, Institute for International Strategy (IIS), Japan Research Institute, Ltd., Tokyo; Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Naoki Tanaka, President, Center for International Public Policy Studies, Tokyo
Nobuo Tanaka, Chairman of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Tokyo; former Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA)
Somkiat Tangkitvanich, President Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI)
Keiko Tashiro, Senior Executive Managing Director, Head of Oversears Operations, Daiwa Securities Co, Ltd., Tokyo
Teh Kok Peng, Senior Advisor, China International Capital Corporation; Former Chairman, Ascendas Pte Ltd., Singapore
Kiyoshi Tsugawa, Auditor, International University of Japan
Shingo Tsuji, President and CEO, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
Masaaki Tsuya, Member of the Board CEO and Representative Executive Officer Concurrently Chairman of the Board
*Jusuf Wanandi, Senior Fellow and co-founder, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Indonesia), Jakarta; Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees CSIS Foundation
Lukito Wanandi, President Director, Santini Group, Jakarta
Hiroshi Watanabe, President, Institute for International Monetary Affairs, Tokyo
*Tarisa WatanagaseFormer Governor of the Bank of Thailand
Michael Wesley, Director, Academic Outreach and Research, National Security College, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
Hassan Wirajuda, Former Foreign Minister of Indonesia, Jakarta
Y. Y. Wong, Chairman and Founder, Wywy Group, Singapore
Wu Xinbo, Director of the Center for American Studies and Executive Dean of the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai
Haruhiko Yoshida, Former Deputy President, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., Tokyo
Zhao Weiping, Vice President of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, Beijing; Former Chinese Consulate General to Chicago
Zhou Wenzhong, Former Secretary-General of Boao Forum; Former Chinese Ambassador to U.S.; Former Vice Foreign Minister
Dhruva Jaishankar, Fellow, Brookings India, New Delhi
Lee Seung Yoon, CEO & Co-founder, Radish, New York
Alec James Yoshikazu Wagner, Legislative Analyst (Sustainability Policy Research), Office of Council Services, Maui
Yuito YamadaPartner, McKinsey & Company, Tokyo (DRF Representative)
Ong Keng Yong, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore; Executive Deputy Chairman, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University
*Executive Committee


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